Re: [Tails-l10n] errors in nb and hi

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Auteur: emmapeel
À: intrigeri, tails-l10n
Sujet: Re: [Tails-l10n] errors in nb and hi
On 3/10/25 10:59 AM, intrigeri wrote:
> Hi,
> emmapeel (2025-03-06):
>> On 3/6/25 6:10 PM, boyska wrote:
>> > as the RM, I had to DELETE nb.po because of too many errors.>
>> > As for hi.po, it was enough to restore it to an older version.
>> >
>> > Those problems will likely happen again the next time we import
>> > translations. So please fix those errors, or new translated strings will
>> > not actually land in Tails.
>> This translations can be fixed, and more improved, at
> In passing and FWIW: sometimes, as the RM, I was I could go to Weblate
> and disable the buggy translations, i.e. do whatever operation makes
> it so the buggy translation will not be included in the next export to
> Git. (Which operation is best depends on the implementation details of
> emmapeel's export scripts.)

This is totally possible.

1. I can give permissions to Tails RMs to admin the translations. Just
open an account at and give me your usernames.

2. We can do a short video session where I show you how you can clean
the translations in different ways

This will also help us to understand where the problem is, maybe the
configuration can be refined somehow.