Re: [lime] lime-app in the next release

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Autor: Selan Kon
Data: 2024-02-09 16:27 -000
Para: libremesh
Assunto: Re: [lime] lime-app in the next release
Thanks for the suggestion, I am considering the best way to do this,
since we already have a build github action we provably only need to
expose the built package.

Lets check for a while

Germán Ferrero via LibreMesh:
> Maybe as an alternative way to test the pull requests, Selan could build
> the the app, share with you build files as a build.tar.gz that you then
> untar at /var/www/app (please check the path). Remember backup and rm that
> directory first.
> El vie., 9 de feb. de 2024 09:54, Hiure via LibreMesh <libremesh@???>
> escribió:
>> Hi Selan,
>> Thanks!
>> Thanks to you for maintaining the lime app.
>> Which base version of OWRT are you going to test?
>> I am using v23.05.2
>> To test it you need to set up development environment. At this moment, we
>> are using node version 16 (version 18 has an error to fix). If you don't
>> have this version installed i suggest you to use NVM[0] to select the
>> specific version (nvm use v16.20.0). I also suggest to use yarn instead of
>> npm. I have to update the
>> Once you have
>> git clone limeapp
>> cd limeapp
>> nvm use v16.20.0
>> yarn
>> after this step return:
>> ```
>> ... thousands of warnings
>> warning storybook > @storybook/cli > jscodeshift >
>> @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining@7.21.0: This proposal has been
>> merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer
>> maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-optional-chaining instead.
>> [2/4] Fetching packages...
>> error commander@12.0.0: The engine "node" is incompatible with this
>> module. Expected version ">=18". Got "16.20.0"
>> error Found incompatible module.
>> ```
>> NODE_HOST= yarn dev
>> This NODE_HOST variable should point to a router with an updated version
>> of the lime packages (the needed changes are already merged on main branch,
>> so if is updated will work).
>> NODE_HOST variable will enable the limeapp acting as a proxy. So, you can
>> point any router on the network (basically lime app "server" is running on
>> your computer and making the requests to the specified point).
>> After that, you have to access to your localhost:8080 and you should see
>> the new landing page working without any bugs or erros :P 🤞
>> out of curiosity i tried npm install and npm run dev and i got it to run.
>> However, in the browser when accessing localhost:8080 I got the following
>> error in the console:
>> ```
>> Uncaught TypeError: node.most_active.iface is undefined
>> ```
>> and
>> ```
>> {
>>      "code": -32002,
>>      "message": "Access denied"
>> }
>> ```

>> Abraços
>> Hiure
>> --
>> LibreMesh mailing list
>> LibreMesh@???