Re: [lime] Announcement: Wireless Battlemesh v15 is coming u…

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Auteur: catuaba
À: project mailing list
Sujet: Re: [lime] Announcement: Wireless Battlemesh v15 is coming up in May 8-14
Oi Ilario,

Thank you for sharing the news <3
Today I just realise that I missed the time (well... tecnically I guess
still 31/03 somewhere in the world hahaha)
Can I still subscribe in the early birds group?

BTW, how can I be a volunter during the event? This would be my first
BattleMesh, some friends went already (Dinesh, Hiure, Bruno) and looks
like it is a nice place to meet fellas from wifi/community networkland hehe

Well, thanks for organizing it!


Am Fri, Mar 10, 2023 at 10:00:07AM +0100 schrieb Ilario via LibreMesh:
> Hi all,
> The Wireless Battle of the Mesh is going live for its 15th edition. This
> time for a full *week* again!
> The dates and venue have been set by the WBM community:
>      8-14th of May 2023
>      Calafou, Vallbona d'Anoia, Barcelona

> Please find the information we gathered so-far on the wiki page:

> Different accommodation options are available at Calafou:
> * Camping - the great outdoors is calling. Please bring your own camping
> gear (tent, caravan, etc).
> * Bunk Bed - pick one of the available bunk beds covered by a proper roof.
> Accommodation Packages are available, valid for BOTH camping and bunk beds,
> but they have limited availability and require registration beforehand:
> * Early bird package: 60 EUR for 6 nights
> * Late booking package: 100 EUR for 6 nights
> Book until **March 31st** to enjoy early bird booking discount! The packages
> are attributed on a first-come first-serve basis, so register as soon as
> possible!
> See
> Please help us spread the word by forwarding the announcement below.
> Thanks!
>     The WBMv15 orga team.

> ==========================================================
> The Wireless Battle Mesh v15
> 8th - 14th of May 2023, Calafou / Barcelona (Europe)
> ==========================================================
> The next 'Wireless Battle of the Mesh' (Battlemesh) will take place from Mon
> 8th - Sun 14th of May 2023 in Calafou ( near Barcelona
> (Europe).
> The Wireless Battle Mesh is a non-commercial, volunteer-organized annual
> convention.
> The convention features a variety of talks and workshops on technical and
> political issues related to mesh networking, wireless community networks and
> OpenWrt firmware development.
> The purpose of the event is to further topics such as right to connectivity,
> community-owned infrastructure and related free open source projects.
> There will be 6 days full of expert presentations, late night hacking
> sessions, measurement campaigns, protocol discussions, and a lot of other
> meshy things.
> So if you are a mesh networking enthusiast, community networking activist,
> or have an interest in mesh networks in general, you have to check this out!
> Continuously updated information about the event available at
> Location
> ========
> The Battlemesh v15 will be hosted by the fabulous Calafou / colonia
> ecoindustrial postcapitalista members in Barcelona, Europe.
> The Calafou compound is very spacious and offers plenty of room for hacking,
> workshops, socializing, building test beds and more!
> You can check some pictures of the spaces at the Battlemesh wiki page.
> Instructions on how to arrive by train and from BCN airport will be provided
> soon on the same page.
> Accommodation Offering
> ======================
> Different accommodation options are available at Calafou:
> * Camping - the great outdoors is calling. Please bring your own camp gear
> (tent, caravan, etc) right at the venue.
> * Bunk Bed - pick one of the available bunk beds covered by a proper roof.
> Accommodation Packages, valid both for camping or bunk beds, have limited
> availability and require registration beforehand.
> * Early bird package: 60 EUR (6 nights)
> * Late booking package: 100 EUR (6 nights)
> Book until *March 31st* to enjoy early bird booking discount! The packages
> are attributed on a first-come first-serve basis, so register as soon as
> possible!
> Please check the Battlemesh wiki page for more details.
> Registration
> ============
> The event is *free of charge* and open for all. However, it makes the
> organization much easier if you tell us in advance that you plan to come.
> To register, please send an email to v15@??? with the following
> content:
> ########
> Subject: Registration
> Name and/or Nick:
> Date of arrival/departure:
> Accommodation package: [Yes/No]
> T-Shirt Size: [S/M/L/none, straight or fitted cut]
> Other details you want to share: (e.g. community, country, URLs,
> twitter/mastodon handle, dietary restrictions, ...)
> Do you agree to appear on the public list of participants? [Yes/No]
> ########
> If your answer to the last question is YES, you can go ahead and add
> yourself to the public participants list right away (otherwise we will do it
> for you):

> Schedule and Call for participation
> ===================================
> The event will feature organized talks, workshops and discussion panels on
> community networks and wireless mesh networks. There will also be more
> informal activities: cooperative hacking, self-organized projects, and (we
> hope) delightful conversations! In addition, there may be a self-organized
> wireless mesh network, running different routing protocols to compare them.
> Please coordinate directly on the Battlemesh mailing list (see link below)
> to make that happen.
> The schedule is being updated at:
> We invite participants to propose workshops, talks or panel discussions
> relating to network infrastructure in general, how it can be built and
> operated as a common, and how to sustain a community around networking.
> We welcome contributions that broadly address these questions from any of
> several perspectives: technical, organisational, economical, regulatory,
> juridical, political. Example topics:
> * Wireless Community Networks
> * Community Networks that deploy Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) networks
> * TV white space as a precious network resource (radio spectrum)
> * Free hardware and free software for Community Networks
> * How to organize a durable community structure?
> * How to involve non-technical people? To "digital stewardship" and beyond?
> * How to disseminate the spirit of community networks, knowledge etc?
> * Connecting rural areas: challenges and solutions
> * Public fiber networks: architecture, funding, private actors involved,
> oversight
> * Internet of Things (IoT) networks and their impact on society
> * How to take advantage of a community network in ways otherwise not
> possible? What are the applications?
> * Local Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) as a common infrastructure
> * DNS as a common infrastructure
> Please check the wiki page on how to submit your proposal.
> Travel Support Grants
> =====================
> The Team at invites all participants who are in need of
> financial support for their long haul flight to check out this travel fund:
> (When sending an application, please add v15@??? in CC).
> Spread the Word
> ===============
> Please help us spreading the word by forwarding this announcement to all
> lists and people that might be interested. Blogging about it is also very
> appreciated, and if you do so, please add a ping-back to the wiki page:
> Contact
> =======
> * Web:
> * Public Mailing List:
> * Orga crew: v15@???
> *
> * Twitter:
> * Mastodon:
> The WBMv15 orga team.
> --
> Ilario
> iochesonome@???
> ilario@???
> --
> LibreMesh mailing list
> LibreMesh@???

Seja feliz, triste, completa e vazia. Seja você
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