[lime] Announcement: Wireless Battlemesh v15 is coming up in…

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Auteur: Ilario
À: LibreMesh
Sujet: [lime] Announcement: Wireless Battlemesh v15 is coming up in May 8-14
Hi all,

The Wireless Battle of the Mesh is going live for its 15th edition. This
time for a full *week* again!

The dates and venue have been set by the WBM community:

      8-14th of May 2023
      Calafou, Vallbona d'Anoia, Barcelona

Please find the information we gathered so-far on the wiki page:

Different accommodation options are available at Calafou:
* Camping - the great outdoors is calling. Please bring your own camping
gear (tent, caravan, etc).
* Bunk Bed - pick one of the available bunk beds covered by a proper roof.

Accommodation Packages are available, valid for BOTH camping and bunk
beds, but they have limited availability and require registration

* Early bird package: 60 EUR for 6 nights
* Late booking package: 100 EUR for 6 nights

Book until **March 31st** to enjoy early bird booking discount! The
packages are attributed on a first-come first-serve basis, so register
as soon as possible!
See https://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV15/AccomodationPackage

Please help us spread the word by forwarding the announcement below.

     The WBMv15 orga team.

The Wireless Battle Mesh v15
8th - 14th of May 2023, Calafou / Barcelona (Europe)

The next 'Wireless Battle of the Mesh' (Battlemesh) will take place from
Mon 8th - Sun 14th of May 2023 in Calafou (https://calafou.org/) near
Barcelona (Europe).

The Wireless Battle Mesh is a non-commercial, volunteer-organized annual
The convention features a variety of talks and workshops on technical
and political issues related to mesh networking, wireless community
networks and OpenWrt firmware development.

The purpose of the event is to further topics such as right to
connectivity, community-owned infrastructure and related free open
source projects.

There will be 6 days full of expert presentations, late night hacking
sessions, measurement campaigns, protocol discussions, and a lot of
other meshy things.

So if you are a mesh networking enthusiast, community networking
activist, or have an interest in mesh networks in general, you have to
check this out!

Continuously updated information about the event available at


The Battlemesh v15 will be hosted by the fabulous Calafou / colonia
ecoindustrial postcapitalista members in Barcelona, Europe.

The Calafou compound is very spacious and offers plenty of room for
hacking, workshops, socializing, building test beds and more!

You can check some pictures of the spaces at the Battlemesh wiki page.
Instructions on how to arrive by train and from BCN airport will be
provided soon on the same page.


Accommodation Offering

Different accommodation options are available at Calafou:
* Camping - the great outdoors is calling. Please bring your own camp
gear (tent, caravan, etc) right at the venue.
* Bunk Bed - pick one of the available bunk beds covered by a proper roof.

Accommodation Packages, valid both for camping or bunk beds, have
limited availability and require registration beforehand.
* Early bird package: 60 EUR (6 nights)
* Late booking package: 100 EUR (6 nights)

Book until *March 31st* to enjoy early bird booking discount! The
packages are attributed on a first-come first-serve basis, so register
as soon as possible!

Please check the Battlemesh wiki page for more details.



The event is *free of charge* and open for all. However, it makes the
organization much easier if you tell us in advance that you plan to come.

To register, please send an email to v15@??? with the
following content:

Subject: Registration

Name and/or Nick:
Date of arrival/departure:
Accommodation package: [Yes/No]
T-Shirt Size: [S/M/L/none, straight or fitted cut]
Other details you want to share: (e.g. community, country, URLs,
twitter/mastodon handle, dietary restrictions, ...)
Do you agree to appear on the public list of participants? [Yes/No]

If your answer to the last question is YES, you can go ahead and add 
yourself to the public participants list right away (otherwise we will 
do it for you):

Schedule and Call for participation

The event will feature organized talks, workshops and discussion panels
on community networks and wireless mesh networks. There will also be
more informal activities: cooperative hacking, self-organized projects,
and (we hope) delightful conversations! In addition, there may be a
self-organized wireless mesh network, running different routing
protocols to compare them. Please coordinate directly on the Battlemesh
mailing list (see link below) to make that happen.

The schedule is being updated at:

We invite participants to propose workshops, talks or panel discussions
relating to network infrastructure in general, how it can be built and
operated as a common, and how to sustain a community around networking.
We welcome contributions that broadly address these questions from any
of several perspectives: technical, organisational, economical,
regulatory, juridical, political. Example topics:

* Wireless Community Networks
* Community Networks that deploy Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) networks
* TV white space as a precious network resource (radio spectrum)
* Free hardware and free software for Community Networks
* How to organize a durable community structure?
* How to involve non-technical people? To "digital stewardship" and beyond?
* How to disseminate the spirit of community networks, knowledge etc?
* Connecting rural areas: challenges and solutions
* Public fiber networks: architecture, funding, private actors involved,
* Internet of Things (IoT) networks and their impact on society
* How to take advantage of a community network in ways otherwise not
possible? What are the applications?
* Local Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) as a common infrastructure
* DNS as a common infrastructure

Please check the wiki page on how to submit your proposal.

Travel Support Grants
The Team at https://cdt.org invites all participants who are in need of
financial support for their long haul flight to check out this travel fund:


(When sending an application, please add v15@??? in CC).

Spread the Word

Please help us spreading the word by forwarding this announcement to all
lists and people that might be interested. Blogging about it is also
very appreciated, and if you do so, please add a ping-back to the wiki
page: http://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV15


* Web: http://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV15
* Public Mailing List: http://ml.ninux.org/mailman/listinfo/battlemesh
* Orga crew: v15@???
* https://matrix.to/#/#battlemesh:matrix.org
* Twitter: https://twitter.com/battlemesh/
* Mastodon: https://toot.aquilenet.fr/@battlemesh

The WBMv15 orga team.
