Re: [Tails-dev] boot tails iso with grub

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Autor: Peter N. Glaskowsky
Datum: 2019-01-25 16:59 -000
To: The Tails public development discussion list
Betreff: Re: [Tails-dev] boot tails iso with grub

> On Jan 25, 2019, at 2:10 AM, intrigeri <intrigeri@???> wrote:
> I'd much rather see us work on
> making "installing and running Tails on an internal hard drive"
> a first-class citizen: it would benefit much more people.

I agree! As I’ve been saying for many years now. :-)

And the other thing I’ve been saying is that HD-resident Tails would be especially useful if it works on a Windows tablet, as there are still many of these priced around US $100. Such machines are cheap enough and small enough to act as companion devices for people who also have laptops.

While I’m thinking about it, it would be useful if Tails, while running from a hard disk, could still respond to the sudden removal of a USB flash drive in the usual way. The drive shouldn’t have to have anything on it, nor should it be necessary to mount it. Ideally, any kind of USB device connected to an external port should also be usable (a keyboard or mouse, for example). It should be enough to select a USB device from a panel icon so that the memory erasure procedure is triggered by a surprise removal.

Best regards,

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