Re: [Tails-l10n] urgent and quick: Translations for the dona…


著者: sycamoreone
To: tails-l10n
題目: Re: [Tails-l10n] urgent and quick: Translations for the donation campaign

German below.

> Hey,
> Today, moire and myself prepared the messages for the donation campaign.
> It's 80% of old stuff and 20% of awesome improvements :)
> Please send the translations here on the list and we'll integrate them
> in Git ourselves (as we're not using only PO files for silly reasons).
> It could also be the place to disagree if you see serious issues with
> our changes.
> We'll launch the campaign between Friday 12 and Monday 15.
> Banner
> ======
> « Tails helps thousands of people to stay safe online every day and it's
> free. »
> ^ unchanged but we miss:
> - Spanish
> - Italian
> « Donate today to sustain and protect Tails! »

Spende heute, um Tails am Leben zu halten!

> ^ we changed this from "keep Tails alive!"
> We might also add a counter with the following strings:
> « $75000 out of $140000 »

$75000 von $140000

> « 65 days remaining »

Noch 65 Tage übrig

> Message on /home
> ================
> « Today, we are asking you to help Tails. You downloaded Tails for free
> because we believe that nobody should have to pay to be safe while using
> computers. And we want to keep it this way. If
> everyone reading this donated $6, our fundraiser would be done by the
>                  end of the day. The price of a USB stick is all we need. »


Heute bitten wir dich darum Tails zu unterstützen. Du kannst Tails
umsonst herunterladen, weil wir glauben, dass niemand dafür bezahlen
sollte, um Computer sicher benutzen zu können. Und wir möchten, dass das
so bleibt. Wenn alle, die das hier lesen, $6 spenden, wäre unsere
Spendenkampagne am Ende des Tages schon beendet. Der Preis von einem
USB-Stick ist bereits alles was wir brauchen.

> ^ some changes here and there
> « But not everyone can donate. When you do, you are offering to many
> others who need it, the very precious tool that is Tails. »

Allerdings kann nicht jede spenden. Falls du es tust, dann bietest du
vielen anderen, die es vielleicht dringend brauchen, Tails als
Wertvolles Werkzeug an.

> ^ new!
> Tomorrow we'll send you updates to the message on /donate.

Need to see if I can translate these later today.
