Re: [Tails-l10n] urgent and quick: Translations for the dona…


著者: emma peel
To: Tails localization discussion, sajolida
題目: Re: [Tails-l10n] urgent and quick: Translations for the donation campaign
> Hey,
> Today, moire and myself prepared the messages for the donation campaign.
> It's 80% of old stuff and 20% of awesome improvements :)

thanks for your work!


> Banner
> ======
> « Tails helps thousands of people to stay safe online every day and it's
> free. »

Tails ayuda a la gente a navegar con seguridad cada día y es gratis.

> ^ unchanged but we miss:
> - Spanish
> - Italian
> « Donate today to sustain and protect Tails! »

¡Dona hoy para apoyar y proteger Tails!
> ^ we changed this from "keep Tails alive!"
> We might also add a counter with the following strings:
> « $75000 out of $140000 »

$75000 de $140000 (necesarios)

> « 65 days remaining »

Quedan 65 días

> Message on /home
> ================
> « Today, we are asking you to help Tails. You downloaded Tails for free
> because we believe that nobody should have to pay to be safe while using
> computers. And we want to keep it this way. If
> everyone reading this donated $6, our fundraiser would be done by the
>                  end of the day. The price of a USB stick is all we need. »

Hoy te pedimos que ayudes a Tails. Descargaste Tails gratuitamente porque creemos que nadie debería pagar para estar seguro mientras usa una computadora. Y queremos mantenerlo así. Si cada persona que lee esto donase $6, nuestra campaña de donación se acabaría al final del día. Todo lo que pedimos es el precio de una memoria USB.

> ^ some changes here and there
> « But not everyone can donate. When you do, you are offering to many
> others who need it, the very precious tool that is Tails. »

Pero no todos pueden donar. Cuando lo haces, estás haciendo llegar la preciosa herramienta que es Tails a otras personas que lo necesitan.

> ^ new!
> Tomorrow we'll send you updates to the message on /donate.