[Tails-dev] Duplicate and Backups for Tails

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Lähettäjä: avaoxn2@openmail.cc
Vastaanottaja: tails-dev
Uudet otsikot: Re: [Tails-dev] Duplicate and Backups for Tails
Aihe: [Tails-dev] Duplicate and Backups for Tails

three utilities that i wrote from scratch; they are provided here
without restriction in the hope someone finds them useful.

* duplicate primary USB to identical or larger USB drive
* backup persistent contents to the Persistent Folder
* restore from backup above

i find the duplicate utility essential and recommend it be included in
Tails. I've had a few instances where my computer halted (battery ran
out) and the usb drive was completely ruined with all data
unrecoverable, my only luck was that i had actually run my duplicate
previously! phew!!!

also, installing these under ~/.local/share/applications helps too.

Install [note, i've only done this once and it worked; so the setup
procedures should be tested with other systems.]

Manually add the following mapping to the
/live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/persistence.conf file:

/home/amnesia/.local    source=local

Then reboot to establish persistence for these "local" customizations.

Next drop the attached files in the
/home/amnesia/.local/share/applications/ folder and the utilities will
magically show up in the menus under "Accessories"! The *.bash files
must have execute permission.


The duplicate.bash script checks to see if the two USB's are identical,
and if so it does a dd copy of the entire drive; if not identical it
attempts to create matching partitions on the target drive and dd's the
two partitions separately. That way you SHOULD be able to duplicate a
drive to another usb that isn't identical, but is at least a little bigger.

The backup.bash and restore.bash scripts are identical and use the
filename to determine which function to perform; backup puts the backup
file in the /home/amnesia/Persistent folder then i manually move it to a
cloud or another computer and then i wipe the backup file to free up the
space. Ideally, it would prompt for a target network destination, maybe
i'll add that in the future.

These have been working for me, but more testing is surely necessary.

The dup utility has saved my ass more than once! one of my usb drives
was completely destroyed (can't even format it) when my PC ran out of
battery power and shutdown abruptly. i highly recommend a duplicate
feature be added to tails!!

let me know if you find these useful. good luck.



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# TESTMODE, comment out the following line to disable TESTMODE
# backup and restore will NOT run when TESTMODE=TRUE

P=`basename $0`
D="`echo ~amnesia/Persistent`"

# only root can run 
if [ `whoami` != "root" ];then
    zenity --title="Insufficient Permission" \
    --info \
    --text="Only root can run this command; aborting." \
    --timeout=5 2>/dev/null
    exit 1

if [ "$P" = "backup.bash" ];then

zenity --title="Close all programs" \
    --info \
    --text="It is strongly recommended you close all programs before running a ${MODE}.\nIt can take up to 30 minutes or more to complete.\n\nPlease close any running programs now and Click OK to continue." 2>/dev/null

if [ "$MODE" = "BACKUP" ];then
    TODAY=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
    if [ -f "$BAKFILE" ];then
    zenity --title="Overwrite Backup File?" \
        --question \
        --text="WARNING: backup file already exists!\nPlease confirm you want to overwrite the file:\n`ls \"$BAKFILE\"`" 2>/dev/null 
    if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
        zenity --title="Backup Aborted." \
        --info \
        --text="Backup aborted, did NOT overwrite existing file." \
        --timeout=5 2>/dev/null
        exit 1

    zenity --info \
    --text="You are about to be prompted, twice, for a passphrase.\nRemember it because you will need it to restore from backup.\n\n ... be patient the backup takes several minutes ..." 2>/dev/null

    if [ "$TESTMODE" = "TRUE" ];then
    zenity --info --text="TEST Mode, $MODE skipped." 2>/dev/null
    echo "Enter password (twice) and then wait for the $MODE to complete."
    cd ${SRC}
    tar --exclude "*${PATTERN}" -cjf - . |
        gpg --cipher-algo AES -c - > "$BAKFILE"
    chown amnesia.amnesia $BAKFILE

    zenity --info \
        --text="Backup complete.\n `ls \"$BAKFILE\"`" 2>/dev/null
    exit 0

elif [ "$MODE" = "RESTORE" ];then
   cd ${D}
   for f in `find . -name "*${PATTERN}" -print|tr ' ' '#'`;do
    if [ "$F" = "" ];then
        F="TRUE $f"
        # If there are more than two USB drives, create a list
        F="$F FALSE $f"

   if [ "$F" = "" ];then
    zenity --title="Restore Aborted." \
        --info \
        --text="Restore aborted, could not find any backup files." \
        --timeout=5 2>/dev/null
    exit 1

    # select the restore file, set BAKFILE
    BAKFILE=`zenity --title="Select Backup File" \
    --list \
    --separator=" " \
    --radiolist \
    --text="Select file to restore:" \
    --column="Select" \
    --column="Device" \
    $F 2>/dev/null`

    if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
    zenity --title="Aborting..." \
        --info \
        --text="Restore Aborted, no restore file selected" \
        --timeout=5 2>/dev/null
    exit 1;

    BAKFILE="`echo "$BAKFILE"|tr '#' ' '`"
    if [ -f "$BAKFILE" ];then
    zenity --info --title="Starting Restore." \
        --text="Restore: you will be prompted for the passphrase you provided when you created this backup.\nPlease be patient, the restore will take several minutes.\nClick OK to continue..." 2>/dev/null

    if [ "$TESTMODE" = "TRUE" ];then
        zenity --info --text="TEST Mode, $MODE skipped." 2>/dev/null
        echo "Enter password and then wait for the $MODE to complete."
        cd ${SRC}
        gpg --cipher-algo AES -d "$BAKFILE" | tar -xjvf - 
        zenity --info \
        --text="Restore Complete." 2>/dev/null
    exit 0

    zenity --info \
        --text="Invalid file: $BAKFILE. Restore aborted." 2>/dev/null
    exit 1



# only root can run 
if [ `whoami` != "root" ];then
    zenity --title="Insufficient Permission" \
    --info --text="Only root can run this command; aborting." --timeout=5 2>/dev/null
    exit 1

zenity --title="Close all programs" \
    --info \
    --text="It is strongly recommended you close all programs before starting the duplication process.\nIt typically takes 30 minutes or more to complete.\n\nPlease close any running programs now and Click OK to continue." 2>/dev/null

# Find USB drives.  
# default first one is the INPUT and the SECOND is backup
for d in `readlink -e /dev/disk/by-id/usb*0:0|sort`; do
    if [ "$I_DEV" = "" ];then
    I_DEV="TRUE $d"
    # If there are more than two USB drives, create a list
    I_DEV="$I_DEV FALSE $d"

# select the input device, set IUSB
IUSB=`zenity --title="Select Source Device" \
    --list \
    --radiolist \
    --text="Select Source USB Device" \
    --column="Select" \
    --column="Device" \
    $I_DEV 2>/dev/null`

if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
    zenity --title="Aborting..." \
    --info \
    --text="Duplication Aborted, no source device selected." --timeout=5 2>/dev/null
    exit 1;

# Confirm IUSB is the boot device!
udevadm info $IUSB |grep -q "^S: TailsBootDev"
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
    zenity --title="Invalid Source" \
    --question \
    --text="WARNING: Source Device, $IUSB, is not bootable.\nPlease confirm you want to duplicate another USB drive." 2>/dev/null 
    if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
    zenity --title="Aborting..." \
        --info --text="Aborted, did not confirm source device: $IUSB" --timeout=5 2>/dev/null
    exit 1

## Now, get the Output device list
## excluding the selected one from the target
for d in `readlink -e /dev/disk/by-id/usb*0:0|sort`; do
    if [ "$d" = "$IUSB" ];then
    : ;
    elif [ "$O_DEV" = "" ];then
    O_DEV="TRUE $d"
    # If there are more than two USB drives, create a list
    O_DEV="$O_DEV FALSE $d"
if [ "$O_DEV" = "" ];then
    zenity --title="Aborting..." \
    --info \
    --text="Aborted, no valid target device found." \
    --timeout=10 2>/dev/null
    exit 1

OUSB=`zenity --title="Select Target Device" \
    --list \
    --radiolist \
    --text="Select Target USB Device" \
    --column="Select" \
    --column="Device" \
    $O_DEV 2>/dev/null`

if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
    zenity --title="Aborting..." \
    --info \
    --text="Duplication Aborted, no target device selected." \
    --timeout=5 2>/dev/null
    exit 1;

## Check the SOURCE drive size, boot and data partition
ISIZ=`lsblk -dnb -o size ${IUSB}`
ISIZboot=`lsblk -dnb -osize ${IUSB}1 2>/dev/null`
ISIZdata=`lsblk -dnb -osize ${IUSB}2 2>/dev/null`
if [ "${ISIZboot}" = "" -o "${ISIZdata}" = "" ];then
    zenity --title="Aborting... invalid Source." \
       --info \
       --text="Aborted, Missing boot or data partition on $IUSB" \
        --timeout=10 2>/dev/null
    exit 1;

## Check the TARGET drive size, boot and data partitions
OSIZ=`lsblk -dnb -o size ${OUSB}`
OSIZboot=`lsblk -dnb -osize ${OUSB}1 2>/dev/null`
OSIZdata=`lsblk -dnb -osize ${OUSB}2 2>/dev/null`
if [ "${OSIZ}" = "" ];then
    zenity --title="Aborting... invalid Target." \
       --info \
       --text="Aborted, Cannot determine size of Target: $IUSB" \
        --timeout=10 2>/dev/null
    exit 1

udevadm info $OUSB |grep -q "^S: TailsBootDev"
if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
    zenity --title="WARNING: Invalid Target" --question \
    --text="WARNING: Target Device, $OUSB, is the current boot device.\nPlease confirm you want to clobber your current boot device!!!\n\nWARNING: NOT RECOMMENDED! Abort Recommended (click No)." 2>/dev/null 
    if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
    zenity --title="Aborting..." --info \
        --text="Aborted, did not confirm Target: $OUSB" \
        --timeout=5 2>/dev/null
    exit 1

## OK here we go
## First, USB Drives vary in exact size.
if [ 0${ISIZ} -ne 0${OSIZ} ];then
    if [ 0${ISIZboot} -ne 0${OSIZboot} -o \
         0${ISIZdata} -ne 0${OSIZdata} ];then

    zenity --title="WARNING: Target Partitions" --question \
        --text="WARNING! WARNING!! WARNING!!!\nBoot and data partitions do not match.\n\nClick 'Yes' to Create new boot and data Partitions on the ${OUSB}. All contents on ${OUSB} will be lost." 2>/dev/null 
    if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
        zenity --title="Aborting..." --info \
        --text="Aborted, did not confirm partitions." \
        --timeout=10 2>/dev/null
        exit 1
    ## dump SOURCE partitions, apply to TARGET
    PTAB=`sfdisk --dump ${IUSB} 2>/dev/null |
        grep "^${IUSB}" |
        sed "s;${IUSB};${OUSB};g"`
    echo -e "label: gpt\n${PTAB}" | sfdisk ${OUSB}
    if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
        zenity --title="Aborting... partition error." --info \
           --text="Aborted, failed to create boot and data partitions on ${OUSB}" \
           --timeout=30 2>/dev/null
        exit 1
    CMD="dd status=progress if=${IUSB}1 of=${OUSB}1 bs=8M;dd status=progress if=${IUSB}2 of=${OUSB}2 bs=8M"
    CMD="dd status=progress if=${IUSB} of=${OUSB} bs=8M"
# Confirm , are you sure you want to proceed?  really?
zenity    --title="WARNING: Please confirm" \
    --question \
    --default-cancel \
    --text="WARNING! WARNING!! WARNING!!! \n\nAll contents on $OUSB will be lost!\n\nClick 'Yes' to start duplication of $IUSB to $OUSB!\n" 2>/dev/null

if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
    zenity --info \
    --text="Duplication Aborted, no changes were made." \
    --timeout=10 2>/dev/null
    exit 1

### Well, well, well. OK, HERE WE GO! Let the backup begin!!!
(sleep 3;eval ${CMD}) |
    zenity --progress \
    --title="Duplicating $IUSB to $OUSB in progress..." \
    --pulsate \
    --text="Please be patient.\nThe Duplication can take 30 minutes or more.\nStarted at: ${s}" \
    --auto-kill --auto-close 2>/dev/null

### all done!
if [ ${DDRESULT} -eq 0 ];then
    result="Aborted, $OUSB very likely corrupted."
# report the resulrts...
zenity --title="Duplication Complete" --info \
    --text="Duplication ${result}\nStarted: ${s}\nEnded: ${e}"  2>/dev/null

exit 0


# TESTMODE, comment out the following line to disable TESTMODE
# backup and restore will NOT run when TESTMODE=TRUE

P=`basename $0`
D="`echo ~amnesia/Persistent`"

# only root can run 
if [ `whoami` != "root" ];then
    zenity --title="Insufficient Permission" \
    --info \
    --text="Only root can run this command; aborting." \
    --timeout=5 2>/dev/null
    exit 1

if [ "$P" = "backup.bash" ];then

zenity --title="Close all programs" \
    --info \
    --text="It is strongly recommended you close all programs before running a ${MODE}.\nIt can take up to 30 minutes or more to complete.\n\nPlease close any running programs now and Click OK to continue." 2>/dev/null

if [ "$MODE" = "BACKUP" ];then
    TODAY=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
    if [ -f "$BAKFILE" ];then
    zenity --title="Overwrite Backup File?" \
        --question \
        --text="WARNING: backup file already exists!\nPlease confirm you want to overwrite the file:\n`ls \"$BAKFILE\"`" 2>/dev/null 
    if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
        zenity --title="Backup Aborted." \
        --info \
        --text="Backup aborted, did NOT overwrite existing file." \
        --timeout=5 2>/dev/null
        exit 1

    zenity --info \
    --text="You are about to be prompted, twice, for a passphrase.\nRemember it because you will need it to restore from backup.\n\n ... be patient the backup takes several minutes ..." 2>/dev/null

    if [ "$TESTMODE" = "TRUE" ];then
    zenity --info --text="TEST Mode, $MODE skipped." 2>/dev/null
    echo "Enter password (twice) and then wait for the $MODE to complete."
    cd ${SRC}
    tar --exclude "*${PATTERN}" -cjf - . |
        gpg --cipher-algo AES -c - > "$BAKFILE"
    chown amnesia.amnesia $BAKFILE

    zenity --info \
        --text="Backup complete.\n `ls \"$BAKFILE\"`" 2>/dev/null
    exit 0

elif [ "$MODE" = "RESTORE" ];then
   cd ${D}
   for f in `find . -name "*${PATTERN}" -print|tr ' ' '#'`;do
    if [ "$F" = "" ];then
        F="TRUE $f"
        # If there are more than two USB drives, create a list
        F="$F FALSE $f"

   if [ "$F" = "" ];then
    zenity --title="Restore Aborted." \
        --info \
        --text="Restore aborted, could not find any backup files." \
        --timeout=5 2>/dev/null
    exit 1

    # select the restore file, set BAKFILE
    BAKFILE=`zenity --title="Select Backup File" \
    --list \
    --separator=" " \
    --radiolist \
    --text="Select file to restore:" \
    --column="Select" \
    --column="Device" \
    $F 2>/dev/null`

    if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
    zenity --title="Aborting..." \
        --info \
        --text="Restore Aborted, no restore file selected" \
        --timeout=5 2>/dev/null
    exit 1;

    BAKFILE="`echo "$BAKFILE"|tr '#' ' '`"
    if [ -f "$BAKFILE" ];then
    zenity --info --title="Starting Restore." \
        --text="Restore: you will be prompted for the passphrase you provided when you created this backup.\nPlease be patient, the restore will take several minutes.\nClick OK to continue..." 2>/dev/null

    if [ "$TESTMODE" = "TRUE" ];then
        zenity --info --text="TEST Mode, $MODE skipped." 2>/dev/null
        echo "Enter password and then wait for the $MODE to complete."
        cd ${SRC}
        gpg --cipher-algo AES -d "$BAKFILE" | tar -xjvf - 
        zenity --info \
        --text="Restore Complete." 2>/dev/null
    exit 0

    zenity --info \
        --text="Invalid file: $BAKFILE. Restore aborted." 2>/dev/null
    exit 1