> I am translating the pages for verifying Tails right now.
> First question: I don't really like the fact that we are using "Tails
> signing key" as a translation for "Tails signing key". IMHO we should
> you a full-German translation here (e.g. "Tails Signaturschlüssel")
I completely agree.
Signaturschlüssel seems to be the correct term indeed.
However, I've realized that on wiki/src/download/index.de.po in german
we use "kryptographische Signatur" in one place where english says
signing key (transition).
> The second question is based upon our decision; if we decide to use
> another wording we should also adjust the download button(s). ("Tails
> signing key" and "Tails 1.5.1 signature "). This could be achieved via
> custom, German inline pages, right?
> (wiki/src/lib/download_stable_i386_iso_sig.html and
> wiki/src/lib/download_tails_signing_key.html)