[Tails-project] Fwd: DebConf15: Call for Proposals

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Sujet: [Tails-project] Fwd: DebConf15: Call for Proposals

some of us might want to give talks or organize workshops there, so
let's coordinate about this. ETA for submission is June 15th.

Last year I organized a relatively general purpose BoF:

... and most Debian folks know about Tails nowadays, so I think that
whatever we do this year should be light in terms of general
presentation of Tails, and rather focus on more specialized topics.

A BoF like
might still make sense, but I'm not sure that even that would be
specialized enough to be interesting.

Ideas off the top of my head:

* I can check with Holger what's the status of his reusing of our test
suite framework, and if there's been any progress, then I'll
propose him to give a talk together about it. That could be
interesting technically for quite a few attendees, and would be
a good success story of Tails stuff being reused by Debian.

* Something about usability, if some of the people who are the most
involved in our efforts on that front plan either to attend, or to
contribute a lot to creating the talk that someone else would give.
Perhaps it's a bit too early, though: most the work made by
our -ux@ team hasn't reached implementation + validation in the
real-world yet. (And rehashing that usable security is important,
without an actual story about what it gives you to focus on that,
is probably a worn out topic today, hopefully.)

* A BoF about projects having both paid and volunteer contributors,
and how it can possibly work without killing your community, could
be interesting. I would definitely attend, and could help a bit
whoever feels like organizing and hosting the event to prepare it.
Maybe to be thought through with the people behind Squeeze-LTS?

(And maybe let's avoid discussing things here, that should instead be
discussed on pkg-apparmor-team@ ;)

The DebConf Content team is pleased to announce the Call for Proposals
for the DebConf15 conference, to be held in Heidelberg, Germany from the
15th through the 22nd of August, 2015.

Submitting an Event

In order to submit an event, you must be registered as an attendee of
DebConf15 [1]. If you have any questions about the registration process,
please check the related information on the conference website [2].

Once registered, go to "Propose an event" and describe your proposal.
Please note, events are not limited to traditional presentations or
informal sessions (BoFs). We welcome submissions of tutorials,
performances, art installations, debates, or any other format of event
that you think would be beneficial to the Debian community.

Please include a short title, suitable for a compact schedule, and an
engaging description of the event. You should use the field "Notes for
Content Team" to provide us information such as additional speakers,
scheduling restrictions, or any special requirements we should consider
for your event.

Regular sessions may either be 20 or 45 minutes long (including time for
questions) and will be followed by a 10 or 15 minutes break,
respectively. Other kinds of sessions (like workshops) could have
different durations. Please make sure to choose the most suitable
duration for your event and justify any special requests.


The first batch of accepted proposals will be announced in May. If you
depend on having your proposal accepted in order to attend the
conference, please submit it as soon as possible so that it can be
considered during this first evaluation period.

All proposals must be submitted before June 15th, 2015 to be evaluated
for the official schedule.

Topics and Tracks

Though we invite proposals on any Debian or FLOSS related subject, we
will have some broad topics arranged as tracks for which we encourage
people to submit proposals. The currently proposed list is:

* Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
* Security, Safety, and Hacking
* Debian System Administration, Automation and Orchestration
* Containers and Cloud Computing with Debian
* Debian Success Stories
* Debian in the Social, Ethical, Legal, and Political Context
* Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian
* Embedded Debian and Hardware-Level Systems

If you have ideas for further tracks, or would like to volunteer as a
track coordinator, please contact content@???. In order for a
track to take place during DebConf15, we must have received a sufficient
amount of proposals on that specific theme. Track coordinators will play
an important role in inviting people to submit events.

Video Coverage

Providing video of sessions amplifies DebConf achievements and is one of
the conference goals [3]. Unless speakers opt-out, official events will
be streamed live over the Internet to promote remote participation.
Recordings will be published later under the DebConf license [4], as
well as presentation slides and papers whenever available.

Contact and Thanks to Sponsors

DebConf would not be possible without the generous support of all our
sponsors, especially our platinum sponsor HP [5]. DebConf15 is still
accepting sponsors; if you are interested, please get in touch![6]

You are welcome to contact the Content Team with any concerns about your
event, or with any ideas or questions about DebConf events in general.
You can reach us at content@???.

We hope to see you all in Heidelberg!

The DebConf Content team.

[1] Register as an attendee for DebConf15

[2] Registration information

[3] DebConf goals

[4] Video license

[5] Our platinum sponsor

[6] Sponsoring DebConf
