Re: [Tails-project] Improving translations on 31C3 (was: 31C…

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Autor: flapflap
Datum: 2014-08-08 15:17 -000
To: tails-project
Alte Treads: Re: [Tails-project] 31C3
Betreff: Re: [Tails-project] Improving translations on 31C3 (was: 31C3)
> One point was that if we want to have a whole room (with NoisySquare),
> there needs to be a plan for workshops for all 4 days; this means it
> makes sense to a least gather some ideas of possible things to do.

Would it make sense to provide some environment (location/time slot)
where translators could meet and translate some wiki pages?
E.g. in case of the German translation, I think it really could boost
the number of translated pages (imagine 20 people working 1h each to
translate & review).

On the other hand, I'm still not 100% sure if that works: personally,
I'd like to have some free and calm time, then do translations, then
check what I just did, and send a review request. That contradicts a bit
to saying 'come to room xyz at XY o'clock', so, I'm not sure if congress
could provide an adequate environment.

A pro argument could be that actually people are there to get in touch
with others and already scheduled time for such activities.

Maybe it also works better when people do the work on their own (not in
a common room), so it could be enough to ask for more translations e.g.
in a talk or "how to contribute" workshop.

still very busy. so, at the moment, no more translations from my side :(