Re: [Tails-project] 31C3

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Autor: sycamoreone
Datum: 2014-08-08 13:27 -000
To: tails-project
Neue Treads: Re: [Tails-project] Improving translations on 31C3 (was: 31C3)
Betreff: Re: [Tails-project] 31C3
> sajolida@???:
>> The submission for the 31C3 started in July, and end up on September 14.
>> Do we want to submit something this time?
> [...]
> I think DrWhax wanted to get back with infos from the NoisySquare ML.

There is also some information on this in the notes from the summit.

One point was that if we want to have a whole room (with NoisySquare),
there needs to be a plan for workshops for all 4 days; this means it
makes sense to a least gather some ideas of possible things to do.

I suggest one (or a few more if there is interest) "Getting started with
Tails" sessions. Basically hands-on hand holding, installation,
configuration of persistence, ..., and answering questions.

Still, we can also summit a proposal for a talk. A talk that I would
like to see (if I hadn't read all this stuff) is something along the
lines of

Design and implementation of a "Privacy Enhancing Live Distribution"

giving an overview over the specification of a PELD and its
implementation in Tails. The talk could highlight design decisions
first, and implementation choices second.

The talk could be followed by a general "if you would like to help,
we'll meet in 15 minutes in room ..." like the Tor Project did last year.
