Autor: Griffin Boyce Datum: 2014-08-05 05:09 -000 To: tails-dev Betreff: Re: [Tails-dev]
Why OnionCat + Mumble - why not just Mumble?
Patrick Schleizer wrote: > Why OnionCat + Mumble - why not just Mumble?
> Mumble has a TCP mode. Why involve OnionCat?
Mumble's UDP mode is more reliable over all and theoretically has
better flow/congestion control. Any performance improvements gained by
using UDP would probably be nullified by the fact that it's being used
over Tor in the first place, but on the other hand the voice quality may
be better using Mumble-UDP with OnionCat than using Mumble-TCP alone.
We should test this.
(and thus the only time that my gamer knowledge will be useful on