[movimenti.bicocca] Mobilization

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Autor: Tommaso Vitale
Data: 2013-11-19 11:59 -000
Para: ML movimenti Bicocca
Asunto: [movimenti.bicocca] Mobilization
> Dear Social Movement Colleagues: It has been over a decade since Klandermans and Staggenborg's Methods of Social Movement Research was published. The December issue of Mobilization presents methodological approaches for the next ten years in a special issue edited by Neal Caren. Articles examine several cutting-edge methodologies in social movement research. It promises to be a significant contribution to the literature.
> I am writing to make a special offer to current nonsubscribers. Because now is also time to renew subscriptions for 2014, new subscribers (and those who let their subscriptions lapse last year) can receive a free copy of the special issue with a new 2014 subscription. You will receive four issues in 2014 of the best research in the field, plus December's special issue on methodolgy. Just send an email to Hank.Johnston@??? or use the attached form to place your order and send it to Hank.Johnston@??? (not to Laurence please). Or you may order online at http://Mobilization.MetaPress.com. When we receive your order, we will set up your account for next year and get you on the list for December. I only request that you do it right away so that so we can order the extra copies that we will need of the December issue. Here are the contents of the special issue:
> Mobilization 18(4), Frontiers in Social Movement Research Methods, guest editor, Neal Caren
> Computer-aided Content Analysis of Digitally Enabled Movements, Alexander Hanna
> Studying Online Activism: The Effects of Sampling Design on Findings, Jennifer Earl
> How Repertoires Evolve: The Diffusion of Suicide Protest in the Twentieth Century, Michael Biggs
> Contextualizing Consequences: A Sociolegal Approach to Social Movement Consequences in Professional Fields, Elizabeth Chiarello
> A Methodology for Analyzing Frame Dynamics: The Grammar of Keying Battles in Palestinian Nationalism, Hank Johnston and Eitan Y. Alimi
> The Radicalization of Contention in Northern Ireland, 1968-1972: A Relational Perspective, Gianluca De Fazio
> Best regards, Hank
> Hank Johnston, managing editor and publisher
> Mobilization: An International Quarterly
> San Diego State University
> San Diego, CA 92182-4423
> Office: 619.594.1323
> Mobile: 858.776.0392
> Fax: 619.594.2835
> The International Journal of Social Movement Research

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