Autor: sajolida Data: 2013-10-03 08:38 -000 A: The Tails public development discussion list Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] Removing the clock applet from the desktop
>> * I'm unsure if the configuration would be better added to the >> greeter, or done via a right-click on the applet itself. We could
>> ask some UX experts. But anyway, an initial implementation doesn't
>> have to provide any GUI to edit ~/.config/tails/timezone yet, so
>> that's not a blocker at this point.
> First version will look for ~/.config/tails/timezone, barring that file
> existing, it'll use the system default and populate that file?
There is also this "country" option from Tails Greeter. But I'm not sure
we should use that, and we should probably get rid of it, and rather
allow the timezone to be configured through your applet only.
Here is my logic for that: if there is a timezone stored in persistence,
then that should overwrite the country option in the Greeter (or
otherwise the timezone in persistence will never be applied). So having
that option will not make sense in that case.
And a good rationale to allow people configuring the timezone from your
applet is that a user can fuck that up and correct it. If it is
configured from the Greeter then there is no way back. Plus it is not
strictly required to have this in the Greeter, so I'd rather have it
configured from the place where it matters really ("that clock on the
desktop is wrong, let's change that!") than having yet another option in
the Greeter when it can be somewhere else.
If that makes sense, then for the moment, and in order not to try to
patch both the persistent setup and the Greeter for your first
contribution you could start working on the applet only. Allow to
configure the timezone from the applet and store it in
~/.config/tails/timezone. After that we can add persistence and maybe
get rid of that Greeter option.
>> * Displaying the timezone doesn't seem that useful to me, given the
>> user has selected it themselves.
> First version, not being configurable at all via GUI, what should the
> default be? Time and date, or, just the time?
I think it should try to display exactly the same thing as the current
default GNOME one. Which is internationalized time and date. Maybe you
can have a look at their code to see how they handle the preferred time
and date format according to the language.
>> * You'll want to make sure the applet works both with current Tails
>> (Squeeze, GNOME2) and future Tails (Wheezy, GNOME3 in fallback
>> mode). If you prefer to focus on only one to start with, better
>> target Wheezy/GNOME3 directly.
> The boilerplate code I'm starting with actually supports both GNOME2
> and GNOME3 (fallback mode).