Re: [Tails-dev] Removing the clock applet from the desktop

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Autor: Kevin C. Krinke
Data: 2013-10-03 05:27 -000
A: tails-dev
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] Removing the clock applet from the desktop

On 2013-10-02 12:16 PM, intrigeri wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> sorry for not getting back at you before. See comments below.

No worries, we're all busy.
> Kevin C. Krinke wrote (20 Sep 2013 16:36:33 GMT) :
>> Would it be better to have just a very simple clock for tails that does
>> exactly what we want? Perhaps spec'd as follows:
>> * Shows time in the boot-configured zone
>> * Only shows the time, date and timezone (no weather or other fanciness)
>> * Configurable to show just time or just date, default both.
>> * [Optional] Have a tool-tip / note that states everything else in Tails
>>    is UTC except for this clock applet?
>> I'm sure I could cook one up relatively quick and I'd be willing to
>> maintain it for as long as Tails needs it.
> This would be awesome, and I do encourage you to implement this.

Fantastic! I'll get started immediately. Already have a boilerplate
applet ready,
just need to make it tell the time/date/etc.

> Minor comments:
> * I would keep it simple, stupid, and not allow any configuration of
> the display (apart of the timezone itself, obviously).

Sounds good.

> * As I see it, the configuration would be saved in
> ~/.config/tails/timezone; then, a new persistence preset
> (available in the persistence configuration assistant) could allow
> to make ~/.config/tails/ persistent.

Alrighty. Shouldn't be a problem.
> * I'm unsure if the configuration would be better added to the
> greeter, or done via a right-click on the applet itself. We could
> ask some UX experts. But anyway, an initial implementation doesn't
> have to provide any GUI to edit ~/.config/tails/timezone yet, so
> that's not a blocker at this point.

First version will look for ~/.config/tails/timezone, barring that file
existing, it'll use the system default and populate that file?
> * Displaying the timezone doesn't seem that useful to me, given the
> user has selected it themselves.

First version, not being configurable at all via GUI, what should the
default be? Time and date, or, just the time?
> * I don't see much use in the suggested tooltip. If you feel like it,
> I'm happy to see you add it, but this certainly shouldn't be
> a blocker: we have design documentation for advanced users who are
> interested in technical details. But perhaps I missed a good reason
> for it?

First version won't have the tooltip. KISS. If we want it, shouldn't be
hard to add it in (tooltips are typically one or two lines of code).
> * You'll want to make sure the applet works both with current Tails
> (Squeeze, GNOME2) and future Tails (Wheezy, GNOME3 in fallback
> mode). If you prefer to focus on only one to start with, better
> target Wheezy/GNOME3 directly.

The boilerplate code I'm starting with actually supports both GNOME2
and GNOME3 (fallback mode).
> * Memory consumption will be something to consider, when choosing
> a programming language and associated toolkits (e.g. if you're going
> Perl, and want some modern OO loveliness, please go Moo instead of
> Moose -- no idea about other languages).

Going with Python for simplicity. Memory usage shouldn't be bad. The
entire thing is really simple. Typically I'd use Perl but I'm just not
it's the right language for this specific purpose.
> Cheers,
