Re: [Hackmeeting] mod_maybe

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Aihe: Re: [Hackmeeting] mod_maybe
baku: sei veramente pazzo!
baci *

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 02:49:24PM +0100, bakunin wrote:
> Credo che a qualcuno possa interessare:
> Quello che potete scaricare da questo sito e' un modulo per apache 2.x
> essenziale.
> Se installato e correttamente configurato, questo pezzo di codice e'
> capace di aggiungere un minimo di imprevidibilita' al funzionamento di
> apache.
> Le richieste infatti verra' soddisfatte: 'forse'. Questo 'forse' vuol
> dire: ogni tanto si', ogni tanto no.
> Questo se lo si avvia in modalita' standard:
>    MaybeEnabled on

> Ma e' possibile avviarlo anche in modalita':
> MaybeEnabled please
> che e' 'forse' un po' + prevedibile. Se poi vi interessa, c'e' anche
> l'opzione:
> MaybeEnabled maybe
> Ma casi d'uso? Beh tanti. Avete in mente quando volete semplicemente
> dimostrare che un servizio non funziona? Per la serie:
> "guarda... guarda... cioe'... ma chi ha programmato questo coso? Reload
> e va... poi... ora non va +. Ma che ca^H^H^H!!!"
> Oppure piu' educatamente:
> "come possiamo tutti giorni vedere il nostro progetto richiede una
> ripensata seria. Dobbiamo riscriverlo da zero perche', cosi' non si puo'
> andare avanti".
> Oppure + tecnicamente parlando:
> "i nostri server sono troppo carichi. Le nostre webapp pesano troppo.
> Abbiamo quindi messo mod_maybe per ridurre il carico."
> Insomma. E' li'. Licenza APACHE.
> Spedisco cosi'. Devo salire su un ennesimo aereo.
> Ciao,
> b
> PS: il modo in cui si genera il 'maybe' puo' essere scelto fra POSIX
> (stdlib...) o /dev/?random. E per ora va bene cosi'. Forse.
> --- README in inglese: ---
> Introduction
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~
> mod_maybe is an apache 2.x module that adds a missing functionality in
> satisfying HTTP requests.
> Since we know Apache 2.x is a really stable software, and responds
> correctly to any HTTP request you can make to it, we needed to offer a
> way to avoid this from happening, for several reasons.
> Maybe you want to drop too loaded server's requests, you want to save
> resources, or more often remove that safe sensation that Apache usually
> gives.
> In this age of uncertainty we found that it was necessary to influence
> with that even the most secure service we could count on.
> >From a business point of view you need some clues, often, to
> demonstrate that a system is not reliable or it does not work properly.
> In these cases mod_maybe is what you are looking for. Since is not
> reliable by design, you can demonstrate pretty often how you server
> (running this module obviously), does not respond as Apache should.
> It was a missing piece for this web server, so we felt it was needed.
> Configuration
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> AddOutputFilterByType MAYBE text/html
> # MaybeEnabled - active/deactive the module
> # The parameter can be: 'off', 'on', 'maybe' or 'please'
> # - off: the module is disabled
> # - on: the module is enabled
> # - maybe: ... the module is disabled, maybe.
> # - please: ... the modules is enabled but not too much.
> MaybeEnabled on
> # MaybeStatusCode - the status code if the page is not available
> # It is optional. The default value is: 503
> #MaybeStatusCode 300
> # MaybeMethod - what is the 'maybe' function? Well... I don't know, yet.
> # So you can choose one of these options:
> # - stdlib: (default) random (stdlib.h)
> # - dev: it uses /dev/random, /dev/srandom or /dev/urandom
> #MaybeMethod dev
> Mac OS X
> ~~~~~~~~
> Add this line into 'Makefile':
> CFLAGS=-arch ppc -arch i386 -arch ppc64 -arch x86_64
> Authors
> ~~~~~~~
> . Andrea Marchesini - baku@???
> Special thanks:
> . Carlo Frinolli - carlo@???
> . Kaare A Larsen - kaare@???
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