[Hackmeeting] mod_maybe

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Aihe: [Hackmeeting] mod_maybe
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Quello che potete scaricare da questo sito e' un modulo per apache 2.x

Se installato e correttamente configurato, questo pezzo di codice e'
capace di aggiungere un minimo di imprevidibilita' al funzionamento di

Le richieste infatti verra' soddisfatte: 'forse'. Questo 'forse' vuol
dire: ogni tanto si', ogni tanto no.

Questo se lo si avvia in modalita' standard:

MaybeEnabled on

Ma e' possibile avviarlo anche in modalita':

MaybeEnabled please

che e' 'forse' un po' + prevedibile. Se poi vi interessa, c'e' anche

MaybeEnabled maybe

Ma casi d'uso? Beh tanti. Avete in mente quando volete semplicemente
dimostrare che un servizio non funziona? Per la serie:

"guarda... guarda... cioe'... ma chi ha programmato questo coso? Reload
e va... poi... ora non va +. Ma che ca^H^H^H!!!"

Oppure piu' educatamente:

"come possiamo tutti giorni vedere il nostro progetto richiede una
ripensata seria. Dobbiamo riscriverlo da zero perche', cosi' non si puo'
andare avanti".

Oppure + tecnicamente parlando:

"i nostri server sono troppo carichi. Le nostre webapp pesano troppo.
Abbiamo quindi messo mod_maybe per ridurre il carico."

Insomma. E' li'. Licenza APACHE.

Spedisco cosi'. Devo salire su un ennesimo aereo.

PS: il modo in cui si genera il 'maybe' puo' essere scelto fra POSIX
(stdlib...) o /dev/?random. E per ora va bene cosi'. Forse.

--- README in inglese: ---


mod_maybe is an apache 2.x module that adds a missing functionality in
satisfying HTTP requests.

Since we know Apache 2.x is a really stable software, and responds
correctly to any HTTP request you can make to it, we needed to offer a
way to avoid this from happening, for several reasons.

Maybe you want to drop too loaded server's requests, you want to save
resources, or more often remove that safe sensation that Apache usually

In this age of uncertainty we found that it was necessary to influence
with that even the most secure service we could count on.

From a business point of view you need some clues, often, to
demonstrate that a system is not reliable or it does not work properly.
In these cases mod_maybe is what you are looking for. Since is not
reliable by design, you can demonstrate pretty often how you server
(running this module obviously), does not respond as Apache should.

It was a missing piece for this web server, so we felt it was needed.


AddOutputFilterByType MAYBE text/html

# MaybeEnabled - active/deactive the module
# The parameter can be: 'off', 'on', 'maybe' or 'please'
# - off: the module is disabled
# - on: the module is enabled
# - maybe: ... the module is disabled, maybe.
# - please: ... the modules is enabled but not too much.

MaybeEnabled on

# MaybeStatusCode - the status code if the page is not available
# It is optional. The default value is: 503

#MaybeStatusCode 300

# MaybeMethod - what is the 'maybe' function? Well... I don't know, yet.
# So you can choose one of these options:
# - stdlib: (default) random (stdlib.h)
# - dev: it uses /dev/random, /dev/srandom or /dev/urandom

#MaybeMethod dev

Mac OS X

Add this line into 'Makefile':

CFLAGS=-arch ppc -arch i386 -arch ppc64 -arch x86_64


. Andrea Marchesini - baku@???

Special thanks:

. Carlo Frinolli - carlo@???
. Kaare A Larsen - kaare@???