[NuovoLab] Bulletin 1-NO BASES CONFERENCE]

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Autor: paola manduca
Para: bastaguerra, marcia italia, FSMED
CC: sfge, tribunale lista
Asunto: [NuovoLab] Bulletin 1-NO BASES CONFERENCE]

--- Joel Suárez <joel@???> wrote:

> Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 12:59:50 -0500
> From: Joel Suárez <joel@???>

> *International Conference for the Abolition*
> *of Foreign Military Bases*
> *Ecuador**, 5-9 March 2007***
> ** 
> *Bulletin No. 
> 1                                                   
>            November 
> 2006*
> // 
> /The International Organizing Committee and the
> National Organizing 
> Committee present their greetings through Bulletin
> No. 1 on the 
> International  Conference for the Abolition of
> Foreign Military Bases to 
> be held on 5-9 March 2007 in Quito and Manta
> (Ecuador). In this bulletin 
> you //will <http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr##>//
> find information on 
> the Conference, as well as on other processes and
> campaigns that work in 
> the belief that Another World is Possible!!!. We
> hope to see you soon in 
> Ecuador in the International Conference. /
> // 

>    1. *International Conference for the Abolition of
> Foreign Military
>       Bases*
>    2. *Continental Watch for Peace*
>    3. *Tokyo** Consultation, 24 -29 November 2006*
>    4. *Social Submit for Peoples' Integration,
> Cochabamba - Bolivia 6-9
>       December 2006*
>    5. *World Social Forum-Nairoby 20-25, 2007*
>    6. *Former Irak detainees present demand against
> Rumsfeld*

> *International Conference for the Abolition of
> Foreign Military Bases***
> Ecuador will be the venue of the International
> Conference for the
> Abolition of Foreign Military Bases that will be
> held on 5-9 March,
> 2007. The International and Ecuadorean Organizing
> Committees for the
> Inaugural Conference of the Network for the
> Abolition of Foreign
> Military Bases have seen how foreign military bases
> and other forms of
> military presence are used to secure the interests
> of a few at the cost
> of democracy, justice, sovereignty and self
> determination. But these
> bases and their destructive impacts are meeting with
> strong grassroots
> opposition, in Vieques , Korea , Okinawa , United
> Kingdom , Guam, the
> United States itself, and many other countries.
> Over the past two years, movements for peace and
> justice have been
> building an international network that works for the
> abolition of
> foreign military bases around the world. The next
> step in consolidating
> this Network is the International Conference for the
> Abolition of All
> Foreign Military Bases. We hope that this will be
> the biggest gathering
> of anti-bases activists to date where the political,
> social,
> environmental and economic impacts of foreign
> military bases and the
> grassroots movements that oppose them will be
> highlighted, as well as
> construct the network, its strategies, structure and
> action plans. The
> main objectives of the Conference are:
>     *
>       Analyze the role of Foreign Military Bases and
> other forms of
>       military presence in the strategy of global
> domination and its
>       impacts on the population and the environment.
>     *
>       Highlight, share experiences, and solidarity
> with resistance
>       struggles against foreign military bases in
> the world.
>     *
>       Reach consensus on objectives, action plans,
> coordination,
>       communication and decision-making mechanisms
> for a global network
>       for the abolition of all foreign military
> bases and other forms of
>       military presence.
>     *
>       Establish global struggles and action plans
> that strengthen local
>       and national struggles and the coordination
> among them.

> The conference takes place over five days. From 5-7
> March the Conference
> will consist of panels, presentations and workshops
> and to formally
> establish the anti-base network. On March 8,
> International Women's Day,
> there will be a caravan from Quito to the port city
> of Manta, led by
> Ecuadorean women's groups also opposed to military
> bases. On March 9 in
> Manta there will be a joint action by international
> and Ecuadorean
> participants, with a focus on the US military base
> in Manta.
> On-line registration for the conference is
> available, at
> http://www.no-bases.net <http://www.no-bases.net/>.
> For more
> information, please contact nobases@???

> Organizers: Asociación Cristiana de Jovenes
> (ACJ-YMCA Ecuador),
> Fundación Regional de Derechos Humanos (Ecuador),
> Servicio Paz y
> Justicia (SERPAJ-E) (Ecuador), Confederación de
> Nacionalidades Indígenas
> del Ecuador (Ecuador), Movimiento Tohallí (Ecuador),
> Paulina Ponce
> Comisión Ecuménica de Derechos Humanos (Ecuador),
> Grupo de Objetores de
> Conciencia (Ecuador), ALTERCOM (Ecuador), Clínica de
> Derechos Humanos -
> PUCE (Ecuador), American Friends Service Committee,
> US Peace Council
> (US), Nonviolence International (US), American
> Friends Service Committee
> (US), Gathering for Peace (Filipinas), Centro
> Memorial Martin Luther
> King Jr (Cuba), Campaign for Demilitarisation of
> Americas (Latin
> America), Focus on the Global South (Thailand,
> Philippines, India),
> Fellowship of Reconciliation (US), LALIT (Diego
> Garcia / Mauritius),
> Transnational Institute (Netherlands), Asian Peace
> Alliance - Japan,
> Japan Peace Committee (Japan), For Mother Earth
> (Belgium), Pakistan
> Peace Coalition (Pakistan), Campaign for Nuclear
> Disarmament (UK), World
> Peace Council
> *Continental Watch for Peace*
> From the 17 - 19 November, 2006, several non-violent
> direct actions were
> held in the American continent, organized by the
> Continental Movement of
> Christians for Peace. 22,000 people of different
> parts of the United
> States met at Fort Benning in Georgia to demand
> drastic changes in the
> American foreign policy
> <http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr##> and to
> demand the closing of the military training center
> where the Latin
> American armies are trained.
> In Ecuador , the Colombo-Ecuadorian Bi-national
> Meeting was held in
> which the permanent work of the faith and the
> communitarian work of the
> Christians for peace and against all forms of
> militarism in Latin
> America was shown. In Manta, delegations of urban
> and rural communities,
> farmers, fisherfolk, members of the Coalition
> Ecuador no Bases and the
> Ecuador YMCA came together, in a meeting against
> violence and
> repression. In Colombia , thousands of women in
> Barrancabermeja were
> congregated to claim a stop of war and to denounce
> the increasing
> militarization of the region.
> The watch <http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr##> in
> Argentina denounced
> all forms of militarism and they shared testimonies
> from Paraguay ,
> Haiti and Palestine , and of the Mothers of de Plaza
> de Mayo. Human
> rights organizations marched in Chile against the
> training of the army
> at the School of the Americas . In El Salvador a
> protest of the Popular
> Social Block Front was held at the US Embassy,
> demanding the closure of
> the School of the Americans.
> http://www.cristianosporlapaz.info
> <http://www.cristianosporlapaz.info/>
> *Tokyo** Consultation, 24-29 November 2006*
> In Asia and the Pacific where the people's anti-base
> movements has rich
> history, we face a new and enormous challenge as the
> United States is
> reorganizing the area on the basis of its "Global
> Posture Review" into
> the major hub of the United States' regional and
> global military
> operations with a view to control the so-called "Arc
> of Instability"
> extending from Korea through Japan and Southeast
> Asia to Central and
> West Asia. This scheme takes various forms:
> construction of a huge
> military base complex in South Korea (Pyongtaek)
> under the slogan of
> "strategic flexibility," new bases in Okinawa and
> Guam, the
> strengthening of functions of bases in Okinawa and
> mainland Japan in the
> name of "alliance for the future, frequent joint
> military exercises with
> Asian countries, and free military entry into the
> Philippines under the
> Visiting Force Agreement. Time demands the urgent
> necessity to hold a
> platform for the people in anti-base movement in
> Asia and the Pacific
> region come together and have consultation to fight
> against the
> circumstance. It will also be part of the regional
> preparation towards
> the International Conference in Ecuador .
> The objectives of the Tokyo Consultation are:
>    1. Share information, situationers and strategies
> within Asia and the
>       Pacific;
>    2. To gain a clear understanding of  US Strategy
> and the implications
>       of military bases/ military presence in Asia
> and the Pacific and
>       the imperatives of building a strong 
> grassroots peoples' movement
>       for peace and justice.  It is important to
> have a clear insight
>       into the realignment of bases/forces in the
> region and to
>       emphasize the concept of  global
> "demilitarization"  as an
>       important guide post or principle if we are to
> build a  strong
>       anti-bases campaign;
>    3. To provide a venue to prepare for the Ecuador
> conference and come
>       up with proposals and strategies;
>    4. To provide an occasion to gather data, stories
> and visuals for the
>       production of  resource and information
> materials on Asia &
>       Pacific situation with specific focus on
> people's struggles and
>       social movements which could be effective
> tools for media work, 
>       general campaign work, lobbying, conference
> deliberations and the
>       public actions;
>    5. To prepare a regional situationer and general
> basis of cooperation
>       and unity.  Included is an endeavor to produce
> a resource material
>       on No Bases Asia and the Pacific (in booklet
> form and a PowerPoint
>       material) which will eventually be reproduced
> as Asia-Pacific 
>       material for the Ecuador Conference and will
> be in at least four
>       languages (English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish)

> The consultation is convened by the Japanese Ad Hoc
> Committee for
> Asia-Pacific People's Anti-Military Bases Movements
> Consultation in
> Tokio and the No Bases Network for the
> International Conference in
> Ecuador .
> *Social Summit for Peoples' Integration, Cochabamba
> 6-9 December 2006*
> The Ecuador No Bases Coalition will
> <http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr##> participate in
> the Social Summit
> for Peoples' Integration to be held in Cochabamba -
> Bolivia from the 6th
> to the 9th of December, in the panel "Foreign
> Military Bases and
> Strategies of Domination in Latin America ". There
> will be presentations
> related to the control of the region, the Comalapa
> Base and the Plan
> Puebla Panama , the Manta Base and the Colombia
> Plan, the Border Triple
> and the International Conference for the Abolition
> of Foreign Military
> Bases will be exposed. This will be preparatory for
> the Conference. This
> Panel is organized jointly with the Campaign for the
> Demilitarization of
> Americans (EACH) and SERPAJ Latin America. The No
> Bases Coalition will
> contact will contact
> <http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr##> diverse
> social movements, like the Continental Social
> Alliance, the campaigns
> against "free trade", the foreign debt
> <http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr##> and the
> militarization, in order
> to position the struggle against the military bases
> and the joint
> exercises directed by the South Command.
> The Social Summit, that will be held parallel to the
> Meeting of the
> South American Community of Nations, tries to
> accentuate the development
> of an "offensive agenda", based on the formulation
> of integration
> alternatives as the passage towards the unification
> of the struggles
> against neoliberalism. The Social Summit will
> synthesize the
> reflections, debates and proposals developed from
> the struggle against
> the ALCA and the WTO. A fundamental subject will be
> integration,
> understanding that only establishing alliances and
> integrating the Latin
> America nations will it be possible to stop
> neoliberalism and to build a
> true democracy with sovereignty and social equality.
> The following
> subjects will be discussed in the Summit : natural
> resources, water,
> biodiversity, social agenda, indigenous democracy
> and militarization,
> energy and towns.
> http://www.integracionsolidaria.org
> <http://www.integracionsolidaria.org/>
> *World Social Forum- Nairobi 20-25 January 2007*
> Members of the International No Bases Network will
> <http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr##> participate in
> the World Social
> Forum (WSF) in Nairobi - Kenya on 20-25 January of
> 2007. They will
> organize a global panel on Military bases in the
> African Continent, as
> well as a workshop to fortify the International
> Network.
> The WSF is committed to facilitate an open space for
> the struggles of
> the social movements. The self-managed events will
> be held, which will
> allow to create and strengthen the processes of
> resistance to
> globalization and war. According to the organizers,
> the WSF will be an
> opportunity <http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr##> to
> defy imperialism in
> the same language that they understand: the cultural
> force. In this
> sense, culture will be used as a means of
> resistance, considered as a
> logical answer to the economic and political
> inequalities that plague
> the world.
> http://www.wsf2007.org <http://www.wsf2007.org/>
> *Former Iraq detainees present demand against
> Rumsfeld*
> Twelve former detainees from Iraq held by US forces
> presented on
> November 14 before the German Federal Office of the
> Public Prosecutor a
> joint penal demand against former US Defense
> Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld.
> The plaintiffs accuse Rumsfeld and several US
> military
> <http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr##> High Commands
> in Iraq of violation
> of human rights
> <http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr##> and military
> crimes. Today the lawyer
> <http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr##> who will
> represent their interests was made public, named
> Wolfgang Kaleck.
> The denounced facts had as scenes the Iraqian jail
> of Abu Ghraib and the
> US base of Guantánamo ( Cuba ), where the plaintiffs
> remained for a long
> time. It is the second demand that appears in
> Germany against Rumsfeld
> and other US High Commands. The first demand, which
> was presented by a
> human rights organization, was denied by the Office
> of the Public
> Prosecutor in February of 2005.
> Kaleck augured more success to this second penal
> initiative against the
> the US politician because "Rumsfeld, when leaving
> the Government, does
> not maintain legal protection", because he loses the
> immunity that he
> held because of his position as US Executive.
> Rumsfeld resigned to his
> position as Secretary of Defense last week, after
> the defeat of the
> republicans in the recent legislative elections in
> the US . He was
> replaced by the ex- director of the CIA, Robert
> Gates.
> /Original article in El Mostrador/
> *....................*
> Bulletin by No Bases Coalition - Ecuador &
> International Organizing
> Committee of the International Conference for the
> Abolition of Foreign
> Military Bases
> For more information: nobases@???

> *__________________________*
> *Anabel Estrella*
> Conferencia Mundial por la Abolición de Bases
> Militares Extranjeras
> International Conference for the Abolition of
> Foreign Military Bases
> Ecuador, 5-9 marzo/march 2007

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