[Cerchio] Fw: Who is Hutton : Ireland, Pinochet, M15...

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Autor: pkrainer
Assumpte: [Cerchio] Fw: Who is Hutton : Ireland, Pinochet, M15...
In poche parole questo Hutton si era già distinto in Ulster, era qwuello che
aveva parato il culo a Pinochet prima che a Blair...

So Who the Hell is Hutton?
By Re-Sista! 28/1/04

Upon his resignation as BBC chairman Gavyn Davies commented on the
irreconcilable contradictions between Hutton's "bald conclusions" and the
balance of evidence presented to the actual Inquiry.

Even BBC political editor Andrew Marr comments on Huttons underlying
assumptions and background, making him more likely to believe and trust
certain social groups: "again and again, he comes down on the side of
politicians and officials."

So who is Hutton, and what is in his background to come to these
extraordinary conclusions? What has lead to the reports extraordinary
absolution of Blair's war lies and attack on journalistic freedom?

The 72 year old Baron Hutton of Bresagh, County of Down, North Ireland, is a
classic representative of the British ruling establishment. A member of the
Anglo-Irish elite, he was educated at Shewsbury all boys boarding school,
and then Balliol, Oxford, before entering the exclusive club of the British
Judiciary. Whilst British
Judges are overwhelmingly conservative, upper class, white, male and biased,
Hutton's background is even more compromised.

His name will be familiar to residents of the Six counties of Ulster. During
the bloody thrity years war Hutton was an instrument of British state
repression, starting in the late 1960's as junior counsel to the Northern
Ireland attorney general, and by 1988 rising to the top job of Lord Chief
Justice of Northern Ireland.

Hutton spent his career as Judge and Jury in the notorious northern Ireland
kangaroo 'Diplock Courts'. These were special non-Jury courts, condemned by
human rights advocates for their miscarriages of justice. He was hated for
this role by the families of the many innocent catholics wrongly convicted

Hutton distinguished himself after the Bloody Sunday massacre of civil
rights protesters in 1972. He played a key role in the ensuing judicial
cover-up called the Widgery Inquiry which absolved British troops of Murder.
This miscarriage of justice is only now being investigated by the current
Saville inquiry.

Then in 1978 he represnted the British Government before the European Court
of Human Rights, defending it against a ruling that it abused and maltreated
detainees from the conflict.

However, he will be remembered in the rest of the UK for his role in the
1999 Pinochet affair. Another senior Judge, Lord Hoffman had contributed to
the decision to arrest and extradite the notorious former dicator of Chile
and mass murderer General Pinochet during his visit to Britain.

As a law lord, Hutton led the rightwing attack on Lord Hoffman, on the
excuse that Hoffman's links to the human rights group amnesty international
invalidated Pinochets arrest! Lord Hutton said "public confidence in the
integrity of the administration of justice would be shaken" if Lord
Hoffman's ruling was not overturned.

More recently, Hutton was also involved in the ruling that David Shayler,
the former MI5 agent, could not argue he was acting in the public interest
by revealing secrets.

This history of intimate links with, and knowledge of Britains secret
military intelligence operations meant he could be a trusted pair of hands
when it came to the Kelly affair.