[aha] Female Power & Military Whistleblowing - Roma, 5 Marzo

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Autor: Tatiana Bazzichelli
Para: aha
Assunto: [aha] Female Power & Military Whistleblowing - Roma, 5 Marzo
Salve a tutt*,

Vi giro l'invito e sarò felice di vedervi domani (5 Marzo) se siete a Roma.

A presto,



The Department of Communication and Media Studies at JCU welcomes *Tatiana
Bazzichelli* for a lecture titled *Female Power & Military Whistleblowing* ,
part of the Spring 2025 edition of the event series Digital Delights &
Disturbances (DDD).

This event will take place on *Wednesday, March 5 at 6:30pm* in the *Aula
Magna Regina (Guarini Campus, Via della Lungara 233).*

Military whistleblowing is one of the most difficult ways to expose
wrongdoing and inform the public of unknown facts that need to be revealed.
It is an act based on ethics, honesty and accountability that stands up to
abuse, oppression and exploitation. Whistleblowers are people who want to
change systems for the better, but who often face retaliation and
persecution. Inspired by the courageous acts of female military
whistleblowers and truth-tellers in bringing war crimes, misconduct and
social injustice to public attention, Tatiana Bazzichelli's presentation
will focus on the importance of building networks of trust in the context
of national security whistleblowing. She will discuss the impact of the
work of Chelsea Manning, Lisa Ling and Reality Winner (among others) and
relate it to the effects of truth-telling in an often male-dominated field
such as the military. Their stories will be linked to other powerful
activities in the field of warfare developed by women in the arts, media
and journalism who are working to denounce war crimes.


*Tatiana BazzichelliFounder & Director, Disruption Network Lab*

Tatiana Bazzichelli is the founder and director of Disruption Network Lab,
a Berlin-based nonprofit organisation that exposes the misconduct and
wrongdoing of the powerful, and of the Disruption Network Institute, a hub
of investigations on the impacts of data-driven technologies on warfare.
Her focus of work is whistleblowing and digital culture. She is the author
of the books *Whistleblowing for Change* (2021), *Networked Disruption*
(2013), *Disrupting Business* (2013), and *Networking *(2006). In
2011-2014 she was programme curator at transmediale festival in Berlin. She
received a PhD degree in Information and Media Studies at the Faculty of
Arts of Aarhus University in Denmark in 2011. Her PhD research, *Networked
Disruption*, was the result of her 2009 visiting scholarship at the H-STAR
Institute of Stanford University. In 2012-2014 she was a postdoctoral
researcher at the Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University

The DDD Event Series is organized and sponsored by the JCU Department of
Communication and Media Studies.

We would love to have you join us!

Make sure to RSVP using this link: https://forms.office.com/e/WaS4YEbEHr