[lime] Published the pre-compiled firmware images for the re…

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Lähettäjä: gothos
Vastaanottaja: libremesh
Aihe: [lime] Published the pre-compiled firmware images for the release 2024.1 based on openwrt-23.05.5

I published the pre-compiled firmware images for the release 2024.1
based on openwrt-23.05.5

To download the 2024.1 images, navigate to:
Or use Firmware Selector to download:

The release is available in two flavors:
- mini: correspond to selecting 'profile-libremesh-suggested-packages-tiny'
- default: correspond to selecting 'profile-libremesh-suggested-packages'

Using the firmware-selector is also possible to request custom builds
based on the openwrt imagebuilder via an Attendedsysupgrade server
For the time being only based on openwrt-23.05.5.
I will also add some versions of 24.10.x for possible testing (probably
starting from 24.10.2, after increasing the storage of the server)

Additional notes

I used this code to do the compilation with docker, where I left some
notes about the usage:

I published some of the docker images also here:
They weigh a little bit (3-4GB of compressed archive, 9-10GB extracted),
but it can still be convenient in terms of time to download them, rather
than build everything

Of 75 targets in 23.05.5 only 56 are built
the list of excluded, that is valid for both openwrt-23.05 and
openwrt-24.10 is at:
Some of these are simply empty (like realtek/rtl931x) or contains only
profiles too small to fit the mini versions (like ath79/tiny)
others are removed because considered exotic (i.e. only nas devices, or
microchip) or unrealistic that people that own those boards want to run
libremesh on them.
If too many have been removed let me know.

I published a development build based on current git head
Using the same docker containers referred to above,
In these there is a leftover and it has not been removed the default
unused feed repo for the openwrt-kmods
to avoid downloading them since they are not used just run
sed -i '/libremesh_core/d' /etc/opkg/distfeeds.conf
