[lime] Log of February meeting

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Autor: Ilario
Datum: 2025-02-01 21:07 -000
To: LibreMesh
Neue Treads: [lime] Google Summer of Code 2025: OpenWrt integration with bird2 (UCI and LuCI) for BGP and Babel protocols (was Re: Log of February meeting)
Betreff: [lime] Log of February meeting
Hi all!
Please find below the today meeting's minutes:

## Saturday the 1st of February 2025 at 13:00 UTC (14:00 CET, 10:00 ART).

### People

Cri, Ilario, Pedro, Javier, Luandro, Gothos

### Topics

* Selecting projects for Google Summer of Code 2025
* Release 2024.1 has been released
* Testing grant 2025
* Archive meetings' minutes 2024
* Ethernet configuration
* lime-app status
* dev case use and personas: time steps
* Scheduling more meetings?

### Selecting projects for Google Summer of Code 2025

INFO: Mentoring Org applications now open until Feb 11 1800 UTC


Students work on June, July, August

Stipends for large project:
Italy $4800
Spain $4200
Argentina $3000

Money for mentors usually go 50% to Freifunk and 50% to LibreMesh as

The projects ideas will be published here:

And they have to be proposed with pull requests here:

"Students" do not have to be university students, anyone can be a GSoC

**Adding Wi-Fi Support to QEMU Simulations in LibreMesh**

Author/Mentor: Javier Jorge

Only the timeline is missing.

**Simplify LibreMesh and get it closer to OpenWrt**

Author: Ilario
Mentor: Javier

Complete. https://github.com/freifunk/projects/pull/74

**BIRD2 and Babel**

Author: Pedro
Mentor: Ilario, Bruno

Continuation of Eloi GSoC (UCI integration for BIRD1, but requires more
work and updating to BIRD2)

Project about Guifinet infrastructure. Independently useful both for
LibreMesh and OpenWrt.
Previous works: G10h4ck master thesis, Eloi GSoC

Moving from Babeld to BIRD2 implementation of Babel seems more
professional and stable, but it is missing the UCI integration with OpenWrt.

The project is not complete yet.

**Improving the roaming on LibreMesh networks**

Author: Pony
Mentor: Cri

Has not been written yet (?)

### Release 2024.1 has been released


* Update the website development page and supported hardware page
(Ilario) which packages?
* Compiling (Gothos is doing it)
* Firmware selector (Gothos?)
* Updating the default network profile
(no changes required)

Javier: the only shared-state package package that is needed by lime-app
is bat-hosts. The others can be optional, they just give additional
information. They are small so it should be ok to include them. The map
is not include in this version of lime-app, so many of these packages
are not going to be useful.

Ilario: maybe dnsmasq-leases?

nodes_and_links is an old package, with the new shared-state-async it
will be split in many smaller packages. But for the 2024.1 version we
still need nodes_and_links

Ilario: do we want to write a news on the website? Yes. Do we want to
have a profile in the fediverse (Mastodon) for announcing and
advertising the release?

Javier: Yes

Gothos: We have a PeerTube profile

Ilario: That is only for videos. Let's discuss in the next meeting if we
want to open an account.

Gothos will check if there is an integration between the website and the

Javier let's add the link to the PeerTube on the website.

Ilario will do this, adding the link

### Testing grant 2025


Pony will improve the grant, no hurry

### Archive meetings' minutes 2024

Cri will do :)

### Ethernet configuration


Ilario: Pony realized that the ethernet problem was due to DSA switches,
and fixed detecting the DSA routers and configuring the ethernet
interfaces for clients connections only (LAN) and not for mesh, by
default. But if

Javier: wants to add the option to lime-app for configuring the
interface from LAN to mesh.

### lime-app status

Luandro: We have a micro grant from APC.

Luandro: Adding internet control, very useful in Brasil, to block some
websites. Seems that lime-app is not working well, UBUS is not
connected. I am developing an interface with lime-app for adding a
blacklist of website. Which branch should I use? I observed the problems
with the firmware selector (2024.1-rc1). Pirania is also not working
enough: it shows a captive portal page but it does not block the
internet connection. I am trying to fix Pirania myself.

Javier: Selankon is not working on lime-app anymore. There is a new
branch "v3". Many new shared-state-async packages are required for that.
Please open a ticket listing the errors you see. There is a pull request
for mesh-upgrade. Select all shared-state-* packages. The main branch of
lime-packages should be good.

Ilario: With the firmware selector you will get the old lime-app release
included in the 2024.1 release. If you want to develop lime-app you
should compile the latest code on lime-packages locally.

### dev case use and personas: time steps

Usecases to be added on the website. No updates on this topic.

### Scheduling more meetings?

No need for more meetings before April the 5th.