Re: [Tails-dev] Is there a way to run Bisq on tails without …


著者: sajolida
To: The Tails public development discussion list
題目: Re: [Tails-dev] Is there a way to run Bisq on tails without requiring admin pass?
I don't think so, since the installation script requires running
systemctl restart onion-grater.service.

privacy stonks via Tails-dev:
> Is there a way to run Bisq on tails without requiring admin pass?
> The official wiki states that it requires it and needs to change the
> torControlPort to 951
> <
> Running_Bisq_on_Tails>
> Why would a application using Tor on tails need to change the control port?
> Is there something that Bisq project is missing when it comes to
> changing the control port?
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