[lime] Meeting tomorrow, the 3rd of January

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Nachricht beantworten
Autor: Ilario
Datum: 2025-01-02 14:37 -000
To: LibreMesh
Alte Treads: [lime] Log of December the 7th project meeting
Neue Treads: [lime] about the pad server (was Re: Meeting tomorrow, the 3rd of January)
Betreff: [lime] Meeting tomorrow, the 3rd of January
Hi all!
As decided in the meeting on December the 7th, there will be a project
meeting on Friday the 3rd of January (tomorrow) at 13:00 UTC (14:00 CET,
10:00 ART).

The maintainer of the pad.cas.cat server (Pedro), the server we used for
the meeting minutes for 2024, recommended us to use a more stable
server, so we can try this one for 2025:

Please feel free to add more topics to be discussed tomorrow.

The links for the call are these:
primary server: https://meet.exo.cat/LibreMesh
fallback server: https://jitsi.unp.edu.ar/LibreMesh
