[RSF] I: [no-to-nato] I thought it is The Onion, but actual…

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Autore: pilar castel quarzell
To: forumroma@inventati.org, pace, noi donne, donneinnero@listas.nodo50.org
Oggetto: [RSF] I: [no-to-nato] I thought it is The Onion, but actually it is real news from Europe
Indottrinamento militare, istigazione a uccidere
Da: no-to-nato-request@??? <no-to-nato-request@???> per conto di Ulla Klotzer <no-to-nato@???>
Inviato: lunedì 16 dicembre 2024 12:08
A: WBW discussion <wbw-discussion@???>; NO TO NATO NO TO WAR <no-to-nato@???>; peace-and-justice-action-committee@??? <peace-and-justice-action-committee@???>; tss-no-war-list_lists.riseup.net <tss-no-war-list@???>; ukrainian-pacifist-movement_googlegroups.com <ukrainian-pacifist-movement@???>; shelya.work@??? <shelya.work@???>
Oggetto: Re: [no-to-nato] I thought it is The Onion, but actually it is real news from Europe

Total horror!

Ulla from Finland

On Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 10:59:05 PM GMT+2, Yurii Sheliazhenko" (via no-to-nato Mailing List) <no-to-nato@???> wrote:

Dear friends,

Poland makes firearms training mandatory for schoolchildren


"Shooting is fun" - says a boy.
"It feels good to hit a target" - says a girl.

Armsdealer says that teaching teenagers how to shoot is a "logical introduction to the gun-friendly Polish society", where "it is much easier to get a gun license than a driving license".

I thought it was The Onion, but YouTube says: DW is a German public broadcast service.

The Onion news items became boring after these news from Poland





...It is not funny at all, after the second thought.

Especially when I saw it in my own country.


And when similar war games in neighbour country ended in brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine


This madness must be cured by a mandatory peace curriculum in basic education and strict observance of the right to conscientious objection to military indoctrination and training in schools.



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