[Aisa.circuli] bando per AdR in informatica/ing. informatica…

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Szerző: Federica Cappelluti
Címzett: aisa.circuli
Régi témák: [Aisa.circuli] seminario Prof. Jean-Claude Guédon, Politecnico di Torino, Venerdì 14 giugno 14:30 - in presenza
Tárgy: [Aisa.circuli] bando per AdR in informatica/ing. informatica al Politecnico di Torino nell'ambito di progetto CoARA boost

segnalo la seguente posizione con preghiera di massima diffusione:
https://careers.polito.it/default.aspx?id=410/2024-AR. La call chiude il
17 dicembre alle 15:00

Posizione di 1 anno rinnovabile con remunerazione adeguata a laureati
magistrali o giovani post-doc.

In calce maggiori dettagli sul progetto, attività prevista, titoli

Grazie dell'attenzione


Federica Cappelluti

*Content and finality of the research program*

Universities have a lot of data about their own research processes,
which should be used to measure performance and to devise strategies to
progress towards university’s goals. In this respect, institutional data
sovereignty is instrumental. The Research Program aims at building a
proof-of-concept institutional data lake consistent with the FAIR
principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability)
fed by the multiple university’s databases which store information on
several research dimensions (projects, proposals, contracts, patents,
publications and data, staff registry, etc.) to enable the creation of
indicators and tools for research assessment and self-assessment which,
in line with the COARA commitments, shall be multi-dimensional,
inclusive, transparent and reproducible.


*Required activity*

The research fellow will be involved in the technical activities of
developing and validating a proof-of-concept institutional FAIR data
lake built upon the integration of internal interoperable databases
mapping all the relevant research activities and personnel information.
The data lake will collect those type of data that today feed the
univerty's data warehouse, with ad-hoc standardized metadata for the
different types of information. It will implement preservation of
historical data, controlled and secure protocols as well as
anonymization levels tailored on the different stakeholders (e.g.
governance, individual researcher), interoperability with internal and
external databases and accessibility according to the “as open as
possible as closed as necessary” philosophy; data will be equipped with
appropriate licenses for reuse. The activity will be carried out in
collaboration with three University's centres of study dedicated to open
science, gender, and strategies and with the development area of the
information system department.

*Qualifications and publications topics* - Handling and modelling
contexts (ETL/ELT, Data Lakehouse, DWH, Semantic Model). - Data lake and
data warehouse technologies. - Programming languages such as SQL and
Python. - Data visualisation and analysis tools such as Tableau. - Data
security practices and regulatory compliance.

*Interview topics* - Data lake and data warehouse solutions consistent
with FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable). -
Creation and management of FAIR data and research data infrastructure. -
Programming languages such as SQL and Python. - Data analytics and data
visualization. - Data security and basic knowledge of relevant legislation

Il 12/06/2024 13:24, Federica Cappelluti via Aisa.circuli ha scritto:
> Buongiorno,
> segnalo il seminario in oggetto, in presenza, per i colleghi
> geograficamente prossimi e che abbiano piacere/tempo di partecipare.
> Maggiori dettagli qui:
> https://www.polito.it/ateneo/comunicazione-e-ufficio-stampa/appuntamenti/news?idn=23501
> Il seminario verrà comunque registrato e pubblicato.
> Cordialmente
> Federica
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Federica Cappelluti, PhD
> Rector's Advisor for Open Science
> Associate Professor of Electronics
> Politecnico di Torino
> DET - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni
> C.so Duca degli Abruzzi 24
> I-10129 TORINO, Italy
> Phone +39-011-0904165 / +39-331-6714767
> ORCID iD icon https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4485-9055
> <https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4485-9055>
> Google scholar
> <https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KFSzzQsAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao>
> LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/federica-cappelluti-ab621a/>

Federica Cappelluti, PhD
Rector's Advisor for Open Science
Associate Professor of Electronics
Politecnico di Torino
DET - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni
C.so Duca degli Abruzzi 24
I-10129 TORINO, Italy
Phone +39-011-0904165 / +39-331-6714767
ORCID iD icon https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4485-9055
Google scholar
LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/federica-cappelluti-ab621a/>