Re: [lime] lime-app in the next release

Poista viesti

Lähettäjä: Selan Kon
Vastaanottaja: libremesh
Aihe: Re: [lime] lime-app in the next release
Hi Hiure


Which base version of OWRT are you going to test?

To test it you need to set up development environment. At this moment,
we are using node version 16 (version 18 has an error to fix). If you
don't have this version installed i suggest you to use NVM[0] to select
the specific version (nvm use v16.20.0). I also suggest to use yarn
instead of npm. I have to update the

Once you have

git clone limeapp
cd limeapp
nvm use v16.20.0
NODE_HOST= yarn dev

This NODE_HOST variable should point to a router with an updated version
of the lime packages (the needed changes are already merged on main
branch, so if is updated will work).

NODE_HOST variable will enable the limeapp acting as a proxy. So, you
can point any router on the network (basically lime app "server" is
running on your computer and making the requests to the specified point).

After that, you have to access to your localhost:8080 and you should see
the new landing page working without any bugs or erros :P 🤞

Also, the code is ready for review if anyone wants to do it

Thanks in advance!


Hiure via LibreMesh:
> Hey Selan,
> Let me know how can i test it.
> Hiure
> On 08/02/2024 11:55, Selan Kon via LibreMesh wrote:
>> Yeyy awesome thank you Ger, I will ping you back when I compile it
>> successfully.
>> BTW, this PR need to be tested on routers with DSA (new OWRT versions)
>> and for old routers.
>> If somebody wants to test, I can give instructions on how to do it:
>> Germán Ferrero:
>>> Hola a todos, escribo en español por cuestión de esfuerzo y tiempo
>>> disponible.
>>> Estuve reconstruyendo los pasos que realicé para el último release de
>>> lime-app v0.2.25.
>>> Los enumero aquí, y quizá Selan, si te encargas del release v0.2.26,
>>> puedas
>>> también dejar esto mejor documentado sumando tu experiencia.
>>> 0) Ver en qué estado está la cobertura de traducciones y si estamos
>>> contentos con ese estado, o si queremos completar algunas, suele ser
>>> algo
>>> que nos olvidábamos de chequear. Se puede ver el estado corriendo en el
>>> repo de la lime-app:
>>> npm run translations:extract
>>> npm run translations:compile
>>> 1) Mergear en el branch develop de lime-app todos los cambios.
>>> 2) En el branch develop de lime-app correr:
>>> npm run release
>>> Esto utiliza versionado semantico y las reglas de mensajes de commits
>>> para
>>> crear un CHANGELOG automaticamente, revisarlo y ajustarlo a gusto
>>> (con git
>>> commit --ammend, por que el comando ya te realiza un commit)
>>> Además modifica los metadatos del paquete json con la nueva versión.
>>> Y agrega un nuevo git tag en el commit en el que estamos.
>>> 3) En el branch develop de lime-app
>>> git push --follow-tags origin develop
>>> 4) En el sitio de github:
>>> Hacer click en "Draft a new release"
>>> Tenemos que adjuntar un tar.gz con el código productivo al relase, para
>>> ello:
>>> 5) Correr:
>>> npm run build:production
>>> Esto deja el código productivo en el directorio ./build
>>> 6) Crear un tar.gz de eso:
>>> tar -cvzf lime-app-v0.2.26.tar.gz build
>>> 7) Adjuntar el tar.gz al release, en el sitio del punto 4.
>>> 8) Crear un PR en lime-packages como este:
>>> El cambio
>>> importante es PKG_VERSION en packages/lime-app/Makefile y PKG_HASH
>>> que se
>>> puede obtener con:
>>> sha256sum lime-app-v0.2.26.tar.gz
>>> Eso es todo.
>>> Son muchos pasos, quizá que también se puede automatizar algunos si hay
>>> músculo de desarrollo.
>>> Abrazos!
>>> -----------------
>>> Automatic translation by
>>> Hello everyone, I am writing in Spanish due to effort and time
>>> available.
>>> I've been reconstructing the steps I did for the last lime-app v0.2.25
>>> release.
>>> I list them here, and maybe Selan, if you are in charge of the v0.2.26
>>> release, you can also leave this better documented adding your
>>> experience.
>>> 0) See in what state is the translations coverage and if we are happy
>>> with
>>> that state, or if we want to complete some, it's usually something we
>>> forgot to check. You can see the status running in the lime-app repo:
>>> npm run translations:extract
>>> npm run translations:compile
>>> 1) Merge in the develop branch of lime-app all the changes.
>>> 2) In the develop branch of lime-app run:
>>> npm run release
>>> This uses semantic versioning and the commit message rules to create a
>>> CHANGELOG automatically, review it and adjust it to your liking (with
>>> git
>>> commit --ammend, because the command already makes a commit).
>>> It also modifies the json package metadata with the new version.
>>> And add a new git tag in the commit we are in.
>>> 3) In the develop branch of lime-app
>>> git push --follow-tags origin develop
>>> 4) In the github site:
>>> Click on "Draft a new release".
>>> We have to attach a tar.gz with the productive code to the relase,
>>> for this:
>>> 5) Run:
>>> npm run build:production
>>> This leaves the production code in the ./build directory.
>>> 6) Create a tar.gz of it:
>>> tar -cvzf lime-app-v0.2.26.tar.gz build
>>> 7) Attach the tar.gz to the release, in the place of point 4.
>>> 8) Create a PR in lime-packages like this:
>>> The important
>>> change is PKG_VERSION in packages/lime-app/Makefile and PKG_HASH
>>> which can
>>> be obtained with:
>>> sha256sum lime-app-v0.2.26.tar.gz
>>> That's all.
>>> That's a lot of steps, maybe you can also automate some of them if
>>> you have
>>> development muscle.
>>> Hugs!