Re: [Tails-testers] Audacity is not starting properly (+mis…

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Auteur: sajolida
Date: 2024-02-07 18:41 -000
À: Tails list for early testers
Sujet: Re: [Tails-testers] Audacity is not starting properly (+miscellaneous)

Thanks for testing 6.0~rc1 and sharing your feedback :)

shine_exhaust107--- via Tails-testers:
> * Icons shadows in the "Activities" menu are seem to be broken:
>                  Screenshots from Tails 5.22: (see
> bullseye_internet.png ; bullseye_tails.png)
> bullseye_internet.png bullseye_tails.png

                   Screenshots from Tails 6.0~rc1: (see
> bookworm_internet.png ; bookworm_tails.png ; bookworm_root.png)
> bookworm_internet.png bookworm_tails.png bookworm_root.png

I get the same shadows in Tails than in Debian 12, so I understand that
this is a change in GNOME upstream. It looks good enough to me and I
don't think that we should change.
