Re: [Hackmeeting] [ #120667] hackmeeting ping to C…

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Lähettäjä: Giulio
Päiväys: 2023-10-26 22:37 -000
Vastaanottaja: 37c3-tickets
Kopio: samba via Hackmeeting
Uudet otsikot: Re: [Hackmeeting] hackmeeting ping to CCC - 37c3
Aihe: Re: [Hackmeeting] [ #120667] hackmeeting ping to CCC
Hi rixx,
apologies for all the confusion, I think samba will not be available for
the next days and both he and us did not receive nothing. Is there any
way we can work this out? Any chance we can get the voucher/link out
manually and just share it with the others interested?

Thank you

On 26/10/23 23:06, samba wrote:
> I didn't receive any other email apart this, I'm adding in cc giulio a
> friend from hackmeeting hoping he can help me on this
> samba
> On 26/10/23 18:21, Tobias Kunze via RT wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> is it possible to send this message to me ?
>>> Alternatively can you send this email using another system/email
>>> address ?
>> We can't send the email using another system, as we send out emails to
>> hundreds of groups. I changed the email address to your personal one
>> and entered your numbers (as it's too late for you to do so at this
>> point). Please make sure you've received this email, as the voucher
>> will get sent with the same address.
>> rixx