[RSF] I: 📣 Can we count on YOU to help us place culture at t…


著者: pilar castel quarzell
To: Patrizia Sterpetti, Latanya Mapp Frett, Global Fund for Women, pace, Antonella Tarallo, donneinnero@listas.nodo50.org, forumroma@inventati.org, Lucha y Siesta, ranierolavalle@gmail.com
題目: [RSF] I: 📣 Can we count on YOU to help us place culture at the heart of Europe?
Does their concept of european culture include Russia ? Do you know them ?Thank you
Sapete se la loro idea di cultura europea include la Russia? Li conoscete ? Grazie
If not, why dont we make an appeal statement for a real european culture in wiew of 2024 elections?
Se non lo è , perchè non la facciamo noi una dichiarazione appello per una reale cultura europea in vista delle elezioni del 2024 ? Thank you
Da: CULTURE ACTION EUROPE <newsletter@???>
Inviato: mercoledì 11 ottobre 2023 12:30
A: pilarcastel@??? <pilarcastel@???>
Oggetto: 📣 Can we count on YOU to help us place culture at the heart of Europe?

Ahead of the EU elections, #CulturalDealEU demands a place for culture in political programmes & campaigns.
Cultural Deal for Europe | A Cultural Deal For Europe as A Pillar Of Democracy
View this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/cultureactioneurope/cultural-deal-eu-elections?e=a9e1bda80a>
2024 European Parliament Elections Call for
A Cultural Deal For Europe as A Pillar Of Democracy

Culture Action Europe, alongside partners from the European Cultural Foundation<https://cultureactioneurope.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb99eb61bb621ccdc0b91fb83&id=b576f6e220&e=a9e1bda80a> and Europa Nostra<https://cultureactioneurope.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb99eb61bb621ccdc0b91fb83&id=27f36a40fd&e=a9e1bda80a> have addressed the sitting and hopeful Members of the European Parliament and the European political parties, with a new joint appeal. Ahead of the European elections scheduled on 6-9 June 2024, the three initiators of A Cultural Deal for Europe<https://cultureactioneurope.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb99eb61bb621ccdc0b91fb83&id=ef1a4c5897&e=a9e1bda80a>, together with our thousands of supporters across EU Member States, ask for a response to their call to action and include a strong cultural dimension in political programmes and electoral campaign trails.

“Culture, creativity and cultural heritage are Europe’s unique features that underpin European values... We call for culture to be explicitly included in the electoral manifestoes and platforms of parties and political groups in the run up to the 2024 elections. Culture must hold a central place in pre-election debates to help bring Europeans together rather than driving them further apart.”

A Cultural Deal for Europe is now open for public endorsements. Can we count on YOU to help us place culture at the heart of Europe?
→ Read the Full Open Letter Here ←<https://cultureactioneurope.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb99eb61bb621ccdc0b91fb83&id=c871880b07&e=a9e1bda80a>
Everything Everywhere All at Once: Culture for the future

European Cultural Foundation Head of Public Policy, Isabelle Schwarz, contributed an article to Parliament Magazine on the need for a Cultural Deal for Europe. "As we head to the next set of European Parliament elections, the world’s second largest democratic exercise, we must ask ourselves: What kind of Europe do I want? What difference can I make? What can be done together, regardless of personal and political ambitions to build a better, less frightening, and more sustainable future?”

Read the full article here<https://cultureactioneurope.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb99eb61bb621ccdc0b91fb83&id=c789df8196&e=a9e1bda80a>
Step Into Our Kitchen: A Cultural MEAL for Europe Cookbook

Cooking and food is a universal concept that brings people together. It is a metaphor that is understandable for everyone, has enormous cultural, social, environmental, and economic dimensions and speaks to our (shared) identities, cultural heritage, history, traditions and innovation. Reflecting on this, Culture action Europe deconstructed the CDEU statement<https://cultureactioneurope.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb99eb61bb621ccdc0b91fb83&id=74e024f78b&e=a9e1bda80a> and its 8 calls into 8 independent recipes. Each recipe includes a description (of the metaphor), ingredients, preparation method and a link to the actual call from the CDEU statement.

Download the Cultural Meal for Europe Cookbook<https://cultureactioneurope.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb99eb61bb621ccdc0b91fb83&id=23498e597d&e=a9e1bda80a>
✓ Do you believe that there is no recovery or future of Europe without culture?
✓ Do you see culture as an integral part of the sustainable development?
✓ Do you want to live a culture-full life, where cultural workers are duly remunerated and included in democratic debates?
→ Support #CulturalDealEU ←<https://cultureactioneurope.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb99eb61bb621ccdc0b91fb83&id=c05a954193&e=a9e1bda80a>
#CulturalDealEU campaign is jointly brought to you by Culture Action Europe,<https://cultureactioneurope.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb99eb61bb621ccdc0b91fb83&id=272a86ed0e&e=a9e1bda80a> the European Cultural Foundation<https://cultureactioneurope.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb99eb61bb621ccdc0b91fb83&id=1627683c88&e=a9e1bda80a> and Europa Nostra<https://cultureactioneurope.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb99eb61bb621ccdc0b91fb83&id=d6edb76598&e=a9e1bda80a> (also in its capacity as a coordinator of the European Heritage Alliance). #CulturalDealEU is the framework in the making.
Would you like to know more about the campaign?
Visit #CulturalDealEU section on the CAE website<https://cultureactioneurope.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb99eb61bb621ccdc0b91fb83&id=09cc187650&e=a9e1bda80a> and follow us on social media.
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