[Aisa.circuli] Undone science

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Autor: 380°
To: aisa.circuli
Betreff: [Aisa.circuli] Undone science

grazie alla segnalazione di Norberto Patrignani in lista Nexa [1] della
conferenza "UNDONE COMPUTER SCIENCE" [2] (mi auguro vivamente che
qualche persona di AISA abbia voglia di presentare un talk... *olistico*
:-D) ho scoperto un campo di ricerca meta-sceintifica che ignoravo:
"undone science" (aka "fenomenologia dell'ignoranza scientifica").

Utilizzando "undone science" come parole di ricerca mi si è aperto un
(quasi) nuovo mondo:

Da quello che capisco, il termine "undone science" è stato coniato la
prima volta da questo articolo:

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Frickel, S., Gibbon, S., Howard, J., Kempner, J., Ottinger, G., & Hess,
D. J. (2010). Undone Science: Charting Social Movement and Civil Society
Challenges to Research Agenda Setting. Science, Technology, & Human
Values, 35(4), 444–473. https://doi.org/10.1177/0162243909345836

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disponibile anche qui:
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7041968/pdf/EMS85774.pdf
- https://sci-hub.st/https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0162243909345836

Una lettura _spettacolare_, il cui abstract recita:

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“Undone science” refers to areas of research that are left unfunded,
incomplete, or generally ignored but that social movements or civil
society organizations often identify as worthy of more research. This
study mobilizes four recent studies to further elaborate the concept of
undone science as it relates to the political construction of research
agendas. Using these cases, we develop the argument that undone science
is part of a broader politics of knowledge, wherein multiple and
competing groups struggle over the construction and implementation of
alternative research agendas. Overall, the study demonstrates the
analytic potential of the concept of undone science to deepen
understanding of the systematic nonproduction of knowledge in the
institutional matrix of state, industry, and social movements that is
characteristic of recent calls for a “new political sociology of

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e più avanti nell'articolo si legge, così, en passant:

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Contemporary discussions of undone science have various precedents. In
some ways, Marx’s critique of political economy and his effort to
develop an alternative research field of Marxist political economy was
an early exploration of undone science, in that Marx both critiqued the
assumptions of mainstream economics and developed a framework for
alternatives within the field.

[...] Historians and others have also offered detailed investigations of
the dynamics of intellectual suppression and purposeful policy decisions
to avoid some areas of research, usually research that would challenge
powerful industrial interests (MacKenzie and Spinardi 1995; Zavestoski
et al. 2002; Martin 2007). In the emerging literature on the social
production of ignorance or what some historians have called “agnotology”
(Proctor and Schiebinger 2008), additional studies of particular
relevance examine the industrial funding of contrarian research to
generate a public controversy and scientific dissensus (Proctor 1995),
the role of the government and industry in rendering knowledge invisible
by producing classified knowledge and trade secrets (Galison 2004), and
problems of imperceptibility for chemically exposed groups (Murphy

[...] one of the crucial sites where questions of power, knowledge, and
ignorance come together is in the domain of research agenda setting,
where intense coalitions and conflicts are forged to gain access to the
limited resources that ultimately shape what science is done and what
remains undone.

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Ops, stai a vedere che l'analisi critica marxista vale anche per il modo
di produzione... dell'ingnoranza scientifica? :-O

Comunque, la call for papers della conferenza "Undone Computer Science"
[2] a un certo punto recita:

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Undone science also recognises, notably, the role of social movements
and civil society in identifying new questions or questions not
immediately deemed worthy of interest —for computer science, one can
think of the free software movement, the civil liberties organisations,
and probably more.

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Ribadisco: serve un "free science movement" per la scienza intera,
_soprattutto_ quella "undone".

Saluti, 380°

[1] https://server-nexa.polito.it/pipermail/nexa/2023-July/051269.html

[2] https://undonecs.sciencesconf.org/

380° (Giovanni Biscuolo public alter ego)

«Noi, incompetenti come siamo,
non abbiamo alcun titolo per suggerire alcunché»

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