Re: [lime] QoS in Libremesh

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Lähettäjä: cri
Vastaanottaja: libremesh
Aihe: Re: [lime] QoS in Libremesh

On 13/01/23 17:23, catuaba via LibreMesh wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am helping in a mesh network, we are using Libremesh and in an
> specific node we enabled the pirania captive portal to manage access, it is
> working well so far.

hi catuaba,


> We are wondering about the possibility of manage bandwidth also for who
> is using the voucher system. I checked and tc packaged is installed by
> default and I have seem some people do QoS using it. Do any one here
> have tested this combo before, voucher + tc?

I'm helping in this community in Italy in countryside:
and we don't use piranha, sorry.

but If you have some human-info about your community, the shape, the
organization, please share some links


And if the community wants.. is also possible appear in the homepage of
Libremesh website, we are in the process to do.

tc .. I don't know what are you refer..
But if QoS is Quality of Service,
in our mesh network we use prometheus (node-exporter) on each antenna,
with a rasberrypi with prometheus collector and a graphana istance.

so we have an idea when the antennas are down, or deaf.
we started to use prometheus when we took a lot of used devices and we
need to test.. we documented here

but documentation about the modern state of our monitoring.. hum.. at
the moment maybe we have only code :/

because we have 4 mesh networks not joined phisically... so to replicate
the raspberrypi monitoring configuration, we started to use Ansible to
install and manage configuration of the 3 raspberry pi (in theory we
need 5, one for valley and one of test)... more a VPS, virtual private
server, that is the point of connections of the 4 valleys.. and is the
VPS where comes the VPN (virtual private network), more a computer that
is our phisical server and give services over the 2 (but a day will be 4
:) valleys

hum.. BUT... at the moment we turn off our server, because electricity
become too expensive :/ hemm so is a bit a mess.. and I'm happy to
explain but there is not yet written documentation because we have to
change strategy to have a cheaper solution, or find the money.

> Also tc should be used to manage only "internet" conectivity, it should not
> restrict local services neither ssh, local or remote.
> I was checking into pirania issues and other places at libremesh's github project
> but no luck yet.
> BTW, thank you for what you have done so far for libremesh community, I
> am more related to users than developers but I know how both sides are
> must need.

totally agree

> I whish you a good life,
> catuaba
> --
> above, bettwen, bellow here

you too
