[Pacifistat] Fwd: Up-Date on Ukraine Family Support

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Szerző: Maria Mafalda Iacomino
Címzett: pacifistat
Tárgy: [Pacifistat] Fwd: Up-Date on Ukraine Family Support
Ciao a tutti,
vi inoltro come richiesto.

----- Messaggio inoltrato -----
Da: "Germana Bottone" <gbottone@???>
A: "Maria Iacomino" <iacomino@???>
Inviato: Lunedì, 13 giugno 2022 13:09:58
Oggetto: Fwd: Up-Date on Ukraine Family Support

Cara Maria,

io non sono iscritta a "Pacifistat" e altri gruppi...
Ti chiedo cortesemente di girare questa mail, è un appello della mia amica ucraina che ha bisogno di un supporto finanziario.
La conosco personalmente, ci conoscemmo in tempi di pace a un convegno organizzato a Roma3-Astril. Insegnava economia lì in Ucraina, poi a causa della guerra è dovuta scappare con la sua famiglia in Lithuania, quindi non è una truffa.

Ringrazio in anticipo tutti i colleghi e mi scuso per l'intrusione, ma tutte le volte che mi scrive mi sento avvilita e disperata, vorrei poter fare qualcosa, ma di fatto sono impotente di fronte a tutta questa inutile violenza.

Un caro saluto

Germana Bottone

Da: "Olga Nosova" <olgano59@???>
A: "Germana Bottone" <gbottone@???>
Inviato: Lunedì, 13 giugno 2022 12:50:35
Oggetto: Re: Up-Date on Ukraine Family Support

Dear Germana!
The little girl and the boy are my grandchildren.
My daughter and her two children need help. The active hostilities continued in Kharkiv. The daughter's husband is a volunteer fighter in Kharkiv.
My daughter and children lost everything they had. They are war refugees. They escaped without any belongings.
They need help to buy clothes, food, pay for an apartment, school expenditures, insurance, etc.
I will be grateful if you can disseminate this information, and people can make any donations for their family following the link [ https://urlsand.esvalabs.com/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgofund.me%2Ff0e4feb7&e=17c5563b&h=c4690feb&f=n&p=y | https://gofund.me/f0e4feb7 ] .
Thank you very much for your support and understanding.
With best wishes, Olga.
пн, 13 июн. 2022 г., 10:59 Germana Bottone < [ mailto:gbottone@istat.it | gbottone@??? ] >:

Dear Olga,
What happens? Who is the girl speaking in the video? Are you in trouble?
Tell me how I can help...

Da: "Olga Nosova" < [ mailto:olgano59@gmail.com | olgano59@??? ] >
A: "Jennifer Allen" < [ mailto:jhallen@pdx.edu | jhallen@??? ] >, "Irina Naoumova" < [ mailto:nvi2000@gmail.com | nvi2000@??? ] >, "Christopher Hartwell" < [ mailto:chartwell@bournemouth.ac.uk | chartwell@??? ] >, "Charles Dannreuther" < [ mailto:c.dannreuther@leeds.ac.uk | c.dannreuther@??? ] >, "Germana Bottone" < [ mailto:gbottone@istat.it | gbottone@??? ] >, "John K" < [ mailto:john.h.komlos@gmail.com | john.h.komlos@??? ] >, "Greg Gardner" < [ mailto:gardnega@gmail.com | gardnega@??? ] >, "Helen Youngelson-Neal" < [ mailto:youngelsonneal@comcast.net | youngelsonneal@??? ] >, "Adam Rummens" < [ mailto:adam.rummens@cambridgescholars.com | adam.rummens@??? ] >, "Lea Ellmanns" < [ mailto:ellmanns@isdc.org | ellmanns@??? ] >
Inviato: Domenica, 12 giugno 2022 9:50:23
Oggetto: Fwd: Up-Date on Ukraine Family Support

Dear Colleagues and friends!
I attach the information and video to help my family.

Thank you very much for understanding.

With best wishes, Olga Nosova.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Annette Jolin < [ mailto:annettejolin@gmail.com | annettejolin@??? ] >
Date: Wed, Jun 8, 2022 at 9:55 AM
Subject: Up-Date on Ukraine Family Support
To: Annette Jolin < [ mailto:jolina@pdx.edu | jolina@??? ] >

[ https://urlsand.esvalabs.com/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fdrive.google.com%2Ffile%2Fd%2F1nR9MFZzkFLTHkQeTO5kaHCXIkNIBq42h%2Fview%3Fusp%3Ddrive_web&e=17c5563b&h=1cb1f6b2&f=n&p=y |  Valentin Video 1.MOV ]
Big thanks to those of you who have already given money to help Olga's family.

As the war in the Ukraine drags on, outside interest wanes and a degree of compassion fatigue sets in. This is understandable but it does not lessen the hardship confronting those who are directly affected. For Ukrainians from the embattled eastern and southern regions geography has become destiny. Olga and her family lived and worked in the embattled city of Kharkiv, which is located twenty five miles from the Russian border. Returning home with two young children is not an option for them given the current conditions.

I have no doubt that many of you have contributed to aid organizations and that your email inboxes overflow with requests for money from many sectors here at home.

If even small amounts of financial support (10, 15, 20 dollars) are not feasible, please forward my appeal to your families, friends, and acquaintances.

For those who can give, here is the link: [ https://urlsand.esvalabs.com/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgofund.me%2Ff0e4feb7&e=17c5563b&h=c4690feb&f=n&p=y | https://gofund.me/f0e4feb7 ]

Olga's grandchildren, Valentin and Sasha each taped a short video message. Sasha's is shorter and is attached below. Google insists on placing Valentin's message which is a bit longer at the top.

Thank you,
Annette and Richard
Maria Mafalda Iacomino
Istituto Nazionale di Statistica
Direzione centrale statistiche economiche (DCSE)
Statistiche sulla produzione e gli scambi con l'estero (SEB)
Via Tuscolana 1788, 00173 Roma
Tel. 06 4673 6483
E-mail: iacomino@???