We've been using GitLab since a while and I think it's a good time to
make our set of labels a bit leaner and easier to use.
I want to focus on low hanging fruits here. I don't think it's a good
time to take a step down and do a full revamp of our labels.
I propose we:
1. Delete these labels
- Camouflage: no open issues, probably never coming back
- I2P: no open issues, probably never coming back
- Handbook: only 2 open issues, can be tracked just fine with other
- Feed Reader: no open issues; can now be tracked with "Email
Client" since Thunderbird is our feed reader nowadays
- Security Check: 1 open issue, 5 closed issues ⇒ not worth it
- Verification Extension: we stopped using this a year ago
so at this point I think the drawbacks of keeping this label
outweigh the benefits of listing these 48 closed issues
2. Merge these labels:
- "C: Installation", "C: Installation Assistant", "C: Installer"
→ "C: Installation"
3. Rename these labels:
- "T: Test" → something that is harder to confuse with "C: Test
suite"; ideas welcome; if nothing convincing arises I'll skip
this one.
I'm ready to drop any of these ideas if there are objections from
people who use these labels.
I plan to proceed no earlier than in 2 weeks.