[Tails-dev] gitlab: more privileges! (please)

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Tárgy: [Tails-dev] gitlab: more privileges! (please)
I like the gitlab interface, and I think I am starting to feel comfortable on it.

But I must say that I find uncomfortable the lose of the privileges I have since moving from Redmine.

I have noticed I am a 'reporter' in gitlab. Is there a reason I am not a 'developer' anymore, like in Redmine? ('Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got till it's gone?')

Thing I used to be able to do in Redmine and I cannot do now are:

Editing titles and descriptions of tickets from other people:

Sometimes there are tickets that start with not much information, and after debugging for a while, the problem gets better understood and can be defined.

In Redmine, when this happened I used to edit the tickets title or description and this made the ticket more understandable without going through the whole list of comments, and it was also better for when the ticket was on a list.

I feel that we are now duplicating tickets just because we cannot edit them.

Moving tickets from one component to the other

I have opened at least one ticket in tails/tails, that I would like to move to tails/sysadmin: https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/17870

But I cannot do it, and is a ticket I opened. I would like to have this privilege.

Assign tickets to other people

I used to be able to assign tickets to sajolida for review or triaging, should I now do that as a mention? I like to assign because while doing frontdesk I triage new tickets, and if I assign them to somebody, I get them out of the 'unassigned' pool.

Apologies if this has been already discussed, and thanks for giving me that new notebook feeling when starting the school year.