[Tails-dev] Tor Browser 9.5.1 is ready for testing

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Lähettäjä: Matthew Finkel
Vastaanottaja: tor-qa
Kopio: tails-dev
Aihe: [Tails-dev] Tor Browser 9.5.1 is ready for testing

We are happy to announce the first Tor Browser 9.5.1 release candidate
for wider testing. Packages can be found at:


Tor Browser 9.5.1 contains important security patches, and minor bug

The full changelog since Tor Browser 9.5 is:

Tor Browser 9.5.1 -- June 30 2020
* All Platforms
* Update Firefox to 68.10.0esr
* Update NoScript to 11.0.32
* Translations update
* Bug 40009: Improve tor's client auth stability
* Windows + OS X + Linux
* Bug 34361: "Prioritize .onion sites when known" appears under General
* Bug 34362: Improve Onion Service Authentication prompt
* Bug 34369: Fix learn more link in Onion Auth prompt
* Bug 34379: Fix learn more for Onion-Location
* Bug 34347: The Tor Network part on the onboarding is not new anymore

Please let us know if you discover any issues with this build.
