[Tails-project] academic research project reaches out to Tai…

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Autor: syster
Data: 2020-05-27 14:05 -000
Para: tails-project
Asunto: [Tails-project] academic research project reaches out to Tails, looking to pick up some tasks
(I numerate this email, so that you can easily navigate to the bit of information you want, without needing to read everything)
1. how a research project reached out to Tail
2. offer from a research project to answer questions
3. research, i2p, additional software, without changing major code base
4. Summary
5. Questions and how to proceed

if you don't want/have the time to read all, reading 4 + 5 is enough to grasp context and answer questions
1. how a research project reached out to Tail
Around 2 weeks ago the community run non-official Tails mastodon account, asked the question if people would like to see I2P being reintroduced into Tails.

A person responded that they're ready to start to maintain this some when in July.
I forwarded them some questions from a 3 years old ticket that relate to "Integrate i2pd as an alternative client to i2p."
2. offer from a research project to answer questions
Here's their response that can be an opportunity for Tails to outsource some research work:
(I assume that it does not need to be related to i2p at all. Porting Tails to ARM could probably also be a topic, or anything else that fits the scope of the diva and Tails)

"#diva is an academic project.

Our research lab partners with #University of #Lucerne, Dept. IT, in Switzerland. Some of the tails #i2p questions might be interesting from our perspective - other questions might be rather non-constructive.

If you would like that we at #diva pick up some tails-questions in our research lab, please discuss the sponsoring/partnering opportunities with #diva: @carolyn 👏 👍 There are plenty of opportunities!"
3. research, i2p, additional software, without changing major code base
About "defining our code base" first:
I am aware that this is important and should be priority before introducing new software that might require a change in "re-introducing a bunch of dedicated code & configuration in our Git repo"

To quote intigeri:
"Now, if someone finds a way to make I2P work nicely in Tails without
modifying our code base, my whole point above is moot, and indeed this
issue could be re-framed into something totally unrelated to #16531 :)"

This conversation can be found in here: https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/12264#note_149381
4. Summary

A research project reached out to us:

"If you would like that we at #diva pick up some tails-questions in our research lab, please discuss the sponsoring/partnering opportunities with #diva: @carolyn 👏 👍 There are plenty of opportunities!"
5. Questions and how to proceed

I would like to use this opportunity.

How to proceed?
Who would like to pick up this task/ join in?

I'd prefer if some of the non-just-passing-by-contributers (so not me) would lead this process. If you don't have the resources for that, I would proceed as the following:
- doing very short developer and user interviews
- summarizing them and identify questions
- get feedback from the teams
- forward it all to the research project

(disclaimer: I am in unstable environment. It can happen that I'm offline from one moment to the other for weeks)
kind regards,
