intrigeri (2020-03-20):
> I have 2 relevant things:
> - #6560 and friends
> - #15460 (drop Sikuli, yeah!)
Merged, and then:
> anonym plans to do a few last-minute small fixes on Monday.
> It's mostly about doc fixes, that IMO could be merged after the
> freeze (or even after 4.5~rc1) if needed.
> So, anonym: from now on, it's probably safer if you only commit to
> that branch changes that you're confident can get a freeze
> exception — just in case.
So the only remaining bits that I'd really like to see merged before
the freeze is #17526 — that's on kibi's + FT's radars.
And regarding freeze exceptions, I can foresee those at the moment:
- #6560: doc update
- #15460: doc & small bugfixes
- #15146: regression fix, hopefully not too invasive (but we have really good
test coverage for this so I'm not particularly worried)