Here is a short analysis of the donation campaign.
To simplify calculations, this year I accounted the value of cryptos as
their value on the last day of the campaign. Previously I accounted for
their value on the day of donation but it's quite more complicated to
analyze now that we accept more cryptos. Since cryptos account for 41%
of the total and are very volatile, this makes a big difference in the
Total and comparison with last year:
Amount 81,842 € +10%
Number of donations 2006 -10%
Recurring donors 231 +12%
Boots per month in 2019 25177 +13%
So it was not our best campaign in any aspect but it was not bad either.
Especially taking into account that it was our cheapest campaign in
terms of workload (~40 h vs ~60 h).
We didn't put a counter on the website because it turned out to be very
time consuming to update (manually!) and didn't prove to be super
efficient last year.
We had a few interesting new sources of income:
- Monero 18,531 € (110 donations with a donation of 300 moneros!)
- Benevity 11,359 € (6 donations)
On the other hand, Zcash and Stellar didn't pay of at all with 573€ and
24 donations combined. We shouldn't invest more into accepting more cryptos.
I didn't analyze the referrers on /donate because I didn't have the logs
on our website.
Still, as always, I see little influence of our different blog posts on
the immediate results on the days after; or at least, new versions
trigger as much spikes. See graph in attachment.
2019-10-22 version_4.0
2019-10-31 achievements_in_2019
2019-12-03 version_4.1
2019-12-09 plans_for_2020
2019-12-15 celebrating_10_years
I would say the same for the press campaign that we did around
celebrating_10_years, though I couldn't analyze the referrers.
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