Hi xin,
[ Yes, I know this is a 1+ year old topic, I'm finally going through my
local tails-dev@ copy, removing spam, and marking everything as read,
so that I can easily spot new mails. Your mail stood out, as one of
the very few legitimate yet unanswered mails. ]
xin <xin@???> (2019-01-29):
> Hello, "Tails 3.12 is out" have a link to
> security/Numerous_security_holes_in_3.11 that doesn't exist.
This was fixed a few hours later; as a release manager, I'd like to
thank you for your watchfulness, it's much appreciated! And I'd like
to encourage everyone to report such issues in the future. :)
Cyril 'kibi' Brulebois (ckb@???)