Re: [Tails-testers] alpha 4.3 secure boot

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Lähettäjä: intrigeri
Päiväys: 2020-03-01 08:37 -000
Vastaanottaja: tails-testers
Aihe: Re: [Tails-testers] alpha 4.3 secure boot

Jeff Jones (2020-02-24):
> ok - so I got a different error message on the mac from the new .img file -
> see attached screenshots showing the error and my system.

Thank you.

The error dialog reads: "The writer process ended unexpectedly.
Please try again, and contact the Etcher team if the
problem persists", followed by a "Retry" button.

Jeff, could you please:

- Try installing Tails 4.3 with from that Mac.
I expect you'll see the same problem.

- Apply the workaround I'm mentioning below, then try installing the
experimental Tails USB image from that Mac.
I expect it'll work fine.

It seems to be a known problem with macOS Catalina (10.15) new
security features:

The best workaround seems to be:

1. Go to "System Preferences" → "Security & Privacy" → "Privacy".
2. Add Etcher to the list of "Full Disk Access" items.

sajolida, it seems like something we should document, doesn't it?
