[movimenti.bicocca] Fwd: CfP "Social Movements and Human Rig…

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Autore: Alberta Giorgi
Data: 2020-01-20 17:40 -000
To: sgmovimentipartecipazione, Laboratorio sulla partecipazione politica e associativa del Dipartimento di Sociologia e ricerca sociale dell'Universita' degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Oggetto: [movimenti.bicocca] Fwd: CfP "Social Movements and Human Rights: Mapping New Engagements"
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Da: Grigolo, Michele <michele.grigolo@???>
Date: lun 20 gen 2020 alle ore 14:22
Subject: CfP "Social Movements and Human Rights: Mapping New Engagements"

**** Apologies for Cross-Posting ****

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

I am organising a panel on social movements and human rights for this
year’s ECPR conference in Innsbruck.

The details of the call are provided below. It is really open to different
approaches and themes and I would really appreciate to hear from you if you
think you could contribute.

Please feel free to circulate through your networks and to anyone who might
be interested in submitting a paper.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

*European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference,
Innsbruck (Austria), 26-28 August 2020 *

*Section Title*: Current research and challenges on political participation
and mobilization

*Panel Title*: Social Movements and Human Rights: Mapping New Engagements

*Chair*: Michele Grigolo (Senior Lecturer, Nottingham Trent University, UK)

*Abstract*: Human rights are being increasingly questioned and undermined.
The centrality of states as well as national identities and interests are
being re-asserted in

the current politics of ‘souverainism,’ at the expense of core human rights
values of universality and equality. The same politics is threatening
efforts at a more global scale to reverse climate change. The consequences
of the financial crisis of 2008, coupled in some countries with the
intensification of austerity policies, has had a considerably negative
impact on people’s economic and social rights, at the periphery and centre
of capitalism. Eventually, with the development of more intrusive digital
technologies, and their role in surveillance capitalism, new concerns about
the respect, protection and fulfilment of a variety of human rights have
emerged, from the right to private life to the right to health.

The panel aims to map and explore how social movements are engaging human
rights under these new conditions. If there is a concrete risk that human
rights lose relevance, then their flexible discourse and articulation of
justice could offer an arena of resistance and transformation. A new
generation of activists has joined and shaped movements which are claiming
human rights, e.g. Friday for Future, the Italian ‘Sardine,’ or unions and
collectives that are struggling for better working conditions against
precarity. As social movements re-emphasise the place of human rights in a
variety of policy arenas, human rights gain new visibility and relevance.

We are interested in papers that document how social movements currently
speak, act and create human rights; engage theories and methodologies that
can help make sense of these engagements; explore whether human rights make
a difference towards achieving justice, in the Global North and Global
South. We are open to contributions on a variety of topics, including (but
not limited to): populism and nationalism, the environment, colonialism,
digital technologies, cities and smart cities, and the right to the city.
Theoretical and empirical papers are equally welcome.

*Please send your proposed paper title, keywords (max. 8) and a 500 word
abstract to **michele.grigolo@???* <michele.grigolo@???>* by 10
February 2020.*

Best wishes,


Senior Lecturer in Sociology

MA Sociology Course Leader

Subject Lead for Internationalisation

Nottingham Trent University

School of Social Sciences

50 Shakespeare Street

Nottingham, NG1 4FQ

Tel. +44(0)115 848 4052

Office: Chaucer 3124

Email: michele.grigolo@???


Co-convenor of the Sociology of Rights Study Group of the British
Sociological Association

Selected publications:

The Human Rights City: New York, San Francisco, Barcelona (Routledge 2019)


Local Governments and Human Rights: Some Critical Reflections (Columbia
Human Rights Law Review 2017)


Global Urban Justice: The Rise of Human Rights Cities (Cambridge University
Press 2016)


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Alberta Giorgi
University of Bergamo, Department of Letters, Philosophy and Communication
(personal page
Vice-coordinator - European Research Network Political Sociology (European
Sociological Association)
Intervistautori <https://intervistautori.org/> - Il primo sito italiano di
podcast sulla sociologia
PaCo <http://siba-ese.unisalento.it/index.php/paco/index> - Partecipazione
e Conflitto Journal
SISP - Partecipazione e Movimenti Sociali
Latest publications - here
Giorgi A. (2018) Religioni di minoranza. Tra Europa e laicità locale.
Milano, Mimesis
Giorgi A. (2019) "Religion and political parties: the case of Italy
J. Hanyes (ed.) The Routledge Handbook to Religion and Political Parties.
Giorgi A. (2019) Mediatized Catholicism—Minority Voices and Religious
Authority in the Digital Sphere <https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/10/8/463>,
Religions 10(8), 463.

Alberta Giorgi
University of Bergamo, Department of Letters, Philosophy and
Communication (personal
PaCo <http://siba-ese.unisalento.it/index.php/paco/index> - Partecipazione
e Conflitto Journal
Grassrootsmobilise <http://grassrootsmobilise.eu/> project
Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités <https://www.gsrl-cnrs.fr/>
Policredos <http://www.ces.uc.pt/policredos/pages/en/about-policredos.php>
- Observatory on Religion in Public Space
Latest publications - here