[Tails-project] GitLab hosting: blocking and very important …

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Autor: intrigeri
To: Public mailing list about the Tails project
Betreff: [Tails-project] GitLab hosting: blocking and very important criteria?

so, we now have 25+ criteria and half a dozen hosting options:


I don't think it would a good use of our time to complete the
comparison for each combination of criteria × hosting option: the goal
here is not to rank 6+ options according to 25+ criteria; it's to pick
1 option that works for us.

So let's now try to answer the following questions:

Which criteria matter above all to us, to the point that we should
disqualify options that don't meet all these criteria?

Which criteria are not necessarily blockers per se, but are still
very important to us?

Here are two ways for you to participate to this conversation:

- You can reply to this email by December 7.

- You can join a live chat:

     Friday, December 6, at 16:00 Berlin/Paris
     protocol: XMPP
     server: conference.riseup.net
     channel: tails-meeting
     Use TLS/SSL to connect.

This process should:

- allow us to drop a few hosting options from the list;

- give us hints about non-blocker but important criteria we should
consider during the next steps of this discussion;

- help us identify where there's apparently rough consensus and where
we disagree;

- help us notice important criteria that are missing.

Thanks in advance!
