[RSF] I: [no-to-nato] Warning: ATTACK on SEATTLE, Nov 3, Su…

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Autor: pilar castel
Para: Poema, forumroma@inventati.org, pace, peppe sini viterbo, donneinnero@listas.nodo50.org
Asunto: [RSF] I: [no-to-nato] Warning: ATTACK on SEATTLE, Nov 3, Sunday? Israel closed all embassies worldwide
pare ci sarà un attacco speriamo di no,terrorista allo stadio di Seattle, non so che pensare,
Da: no-to-nato-request@??? <no-to-nato-request@???> per conto di Maggie Zhou <no-to-nato@???>
Inviato: sabato 2 novembre 2019 10:00
A: PeaceTalk-UFPJ <peacetalk-ufpj@???>; Baza Palestine <baza@???>; No To NATO <no-to-nato@???>
Oggetto: [no-to-nato] Warning: ATTACK on SEATTLE, Nov 3, Sunday? Israel closed all embassies worldwide

I hope this will not happen, I hope it's all unwarranted alarm, that these researchers are just reading too much into movies, songs, advertisements, etc and finds many coincidences.

Or, if they're right, but by making many people aware of it, I hope the Deep State would not carry it out - that's also what these researchers are hoping for.

In case the latter could be the case, and CONSIDERING THE STAKES - death of tens of thousands, beginning of WWIII, the arrival of New World Order - I'm sending this warning far and wide. Please share it, especially with anyone in Seattle, but with as many people as you can - that's the best way to foil conspiracies.

The worst that can happen by doing so is to make a fool of ourselves - but so what, in comparison?

The following videos together present a large amount of evidence that, through something called Predictive Programming, the puppet masters have announced many, many times in pop culture, just like they did for many years prior to 9/11, that -


Specifically, it will involve some kind of massive explosion at the CenturyLink Field football stadium, when Seattle Seahawk will be playing Tampa Bay Buccaneers, on Sunday Nov 3 - that's tomorrow! It may also involve the Space Needle, Seattle's iconic landmark, which went through renovation recently, just like WTC towers did before 9/11.

It will likely be sold to us as a nuclear attack by Russia. But in reality it would be an inside job (just like 9/11), and I think it'll probably be done with Directed Energy Weapon, probably space-based.

Also, it may be very significant that, on Oct 30, Israel closed ALL of its embassies and consulates, WORLD WIDE, supposedly due to diplomats' wage dispute with the finance ministry. Are they preparing for the start of WWIII? There're wild speculations on the internet, one being that they've hid nuclear bombs in the basements of some of their embassy/consulate buildings, and will use that as blackmail to host countries.

But here are some of the videos about the Nov 3 Seattle attack (with overlapping but some unique info in each):

Videos by a German guy whose channel is called "kochen mit Willi":

"Seattle - The pattern is complete"
Aug 8, 2019, 41 minute
(Includes an incredible story told by the late German journalist whistleblower Udo Ulfkotte of how war reporting footage is made, and info on FEMA camps, the coffins, etc. Ten minutes before the end, there's an incredible cartoon clip of Winnie the Pooh doing a satanic dance!)

"False Flag attack on Seattle on Nov 03, 2019"
Sep 24, 2019, 26 minutes
(Important collection of repetitive clues.)

To understand the symbolisms of the 2015 Economist cover that was mentioned in the above video, read:

In particular, the green turtle is the symbol of the Fabian Society. Their original emblem was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Today their global symbol is a turtle, with the motto below: “When I strike, I strike hard.” Watch the video in:

"Know More News about Seattle - New Hints"
Oct 10, 2019, 14 minutes
(Here he takes some excerpts from another YouTuber Adam Green.)

"Wann kommt der Blackout? / Seattles Zeppelinparade / Gott und die Welt"
Oct 7, 2019, 36 minutes
(Although this video is in German, in the English text description below the video, he points out some segments to watch. Under each of his video, he gives links to some other researchers as well.)

The following two short videos are by other channels, that gives additional very interesting info:

'HUGE Seattle 3.11/11.3 FF Watch UPDATE! 2013 VICE article stated "311 was an inside job"'
Sep 30, 2019, 7 minutes

'Warning to Seattle 11/03/19 - Movie Analysis - ("The Arrivals" Tribute)'
Oct 2, 2019, 9 minutes

B.t.w., the 2011 Japanese earthquake just so happens to fall on Mar 11, 2011. That's 3/11 in US convention, or 11.3 in European convention. Directed Energy Weapons can be used to cause earthquakes - and certainly there are speculations on the internet that this was a man-made mass human sacrifice.

No matter how crazy all this may sound to you, please share this anyway, just in case!


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