[Tails-testers] Fwd: Receipt for your donation to Riseup Lab…

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Lähettäjä: Terry Gruzebeck
Vastaanottaja: intrigeri
Kopio: Tails list for early testers
Aihe: [Tails-testers] Fwd: Receipt for your donation to Riseup Labs

    Here's yet another donation to thank you again for Tails 4.0, and
    for the virtual USB upgrade help!  

    From my limited experience, Tails 4.0 is the most stable version
    ever to run within a live, encrypted-persistence instance of a
    Parrot-Linux-hosted, virtual-USB-installed, Virt-Manager VM.  User's
    confidential data is protected within two layers of encryption; one
    for the live Parrot host OS, and the second for the Tails
    virtual-USB-installed persistent volume.

    This Parrot/Tails dual-encrypted-persistence VM configuration is a
    thing of technical wizardry and functional beauty, and it's 
      possibly a new standard for securely transporting proprietary data
      by courier!
   Scientifically speaking, for the purpose of
    narrowing the ideal hardware/software selection combinations
    (limited only by running Tails within a virtual-USB-installed
    Virt-Manager VM), 
I would love to hear of results comparisons
      with similar replications.

      -------- Forwarded Message --------


Receipt for your donation to Riseup Labs

Fri, 01 Nov 2019 17:13:52 -0700

service@??? <service@???>

Terry Gruzebeck <claimanalytics@???>

Receipt for your donation to Riseup Labs

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        Gruzebeck, see your donation details.



Hello, Terry








You donated
                                              $20.00 USD to Riseup Labs




November 1,




Donation to


Riseup Labs




$20.00 USD


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