Re: [Tails-l10n] [fr](pull) 4.0-bout

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Auteur: intrigeri
Date: 2019-10-05 13:44 -000
À: Tails localization discussion
Sujet: Re: [Tails-l10n] [fr](pull) 4.0-bout
> intrigeri:
>> Chre:
>>> Le 03/10/2019 à 10:29, xin a écrit :
>>>> Repo:
>>>> Branch: review/chre/4.0-bout
>>>> Last Commit: 63364e1ae6b3dce0eff384c7f4252f6457407337
>>> It is ok, please pull.
>> Unfortunately, there's a merge conflict when I try to merge this.
>> I believe that's because in the meantime, one page has been changed
>> on our master branch and later merged into devel, so the PO files
>> in your topic branch are outdated.
>> Could you please merge current devel into your topic branch,
>> fix the conflicts, and resubmit? Thanks!

> Conflict fixed.

Thank you, merged!