Re: [Tails-testers] Tails 4.0 beta 2

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Autor: Clem Hewison
Datum: 2019-09-13 16:10 -000
To: intrigeri,
CC: Mathieu Goessens
Neue Treads: Re: [Tails-testers] Tails 4.0 beta 2 (#17049)
Betreff: Re: [Tails-testers] Tails 4.0 beta 2
         I'm pleased to say that the Tail image booted straight up, with no issues, and I was able to use it as usual.  So I reckon using GRUB is the way forward for Mac.

Hope this helps you out.

From: intrigeri <intrigeri@???>
Sent: 13 September 2019 08:21
To: Clem Hewison <clemfh@???>; tails-testers@??? <tails-testers@???>
Cc: Mathieu Goessens <gebura@???>
Subject: Re: [Tails-testers] Tails 4.0 beta 2

Hi Clement,

Clem Hewison:
> I've reinstalled Tails using a fresh 4.0 beta2 USB image, and
> flashed it using Etcher. I've also installed the three Debian builds
> as well, and flashed those as well. I tested the Tails and the
> Debians in both my Macs; the other is a Early 2009 Mac Pro, with an
> NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 graphics card, as opposed to the Intel one in
> the modern Mac.

> The results I got were: In the 2017 Macbook Pro, the Debian Live
> Testing and the Debian Standard worked fine, booting straight up.

> Oddly, the Debian Mac build didn't boot at all on either Mac.

Thanks! This is very useful information.

I've summed it all up on and sketched out
a plan there.

> If there are is anything else you want me to test on the modern Mac,
> i'm more than happy to. Just send it over to this email and I'll get
> back to you.

Great :)

The first thing I'd like to try is replacing syslinux with GRUB.

Within 24h there should be an image with this change there:

This image may not fully boot. It may display an error about aufs.ko
not being signed. But first things first: let's start with making sure
you see a boot loader menu and the boot loader executes the
Linux kernel.
