[RSF] USA giù le mani dai diritti delle donne


著者: pilar castel
To: donneinnero@listas.nodo50.org, forumroma@inventati.org, LuchaySiesta, casadellapace@gmail.com, bp, ondabaradel@yahoo.it, pace, checchino
題目: [RSF] USA giù le mani dai diritti delle donne

Tanya delle donne americane di pace e giustizia a Roma indice un sit in domani contro le leggi anti aborto varate negli USA davanti all Ambasciata Via Bissolati via Veneto.( Spero di farcela ho visita Inps per Poema) ore 12-14. Paci
Da: Members <members-bounces@???> per conto di Tanya Halkyard <tanya78555@???>
Inviato: lunedì 20 maggio 2019 13:21
A: pb; Lucas Alden; members@???
Oggetto: [USC4P&J Members] Keep Abortions Safe and Legal rally tomorrow

StopTheBans: Keep Abortion Safe and Legal!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 12 PM – 2 PM
Via Bissolati, at the corner of Via Veneto, in front of the US Embassy

* <https://www.facebook.com/events/2376418999088293/#> <https://www.facebook.com/events/2376418999088293/#>

Across the United States, laws are popping up restricting and abolishing women's reproductive freedom. In coordination with hundreds of other #StopTheBans<https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/stopthebans> rallies in the US, Women's March Rome will be gathering in front of the US Embassy from 12-14 on Tuesday May 21th. Many of us will be dressed as women from a Handmaid's Tale, many others will be carrying coat hangers. Bring a coat hanger, a big sign, and join us in solidarity to stand up for reproductive justice and freedom. #StopTheBans

Tanya Halkyard
Global Institutes - English Language School
Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/globalinstitutes11/> / Twitter<https://twitter.com/globaliacilia>
Whatsapp: 3451753199
Piazza San Leonardo da Porto Maurizio 36/A, Roma 00125<https://www.google.it/maps/place/Global+Institutes+English+Language+School/@41.78306,12.3628413,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x1325f3c1c27a3f7f:0x7d55b43b3f203789!2sPiazza+S.Leonardo+da+Porto+Maurizio,+36,+00125+Roma+RM!3b1!8m2!3d41.78306!4d12.36503!3m4!1s0x1325f3db593ddc99:0x770548c0a57f1686!8m2!3d41.78306!4d12.36503?hl=en>

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