[Hackmeeting] Fwd: [hackademia] Summer school Call for Parti…

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Asunto: [Hackmeeting] Fwd: [hackademia] Summer school Call for Participation | Pelion Summer Lab 2019 “Data& Power”
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From: Gabriella Biella Coleman <enid.coleman@???>

Call for Participation | Pelion Summer Lab 2019 “Data & Power”
We   are   happy   to   announce   that   this   summer   we   will  
be   hosting   the   3rd   ​ Pelion   Summer   Lab   for 
Cultural   Theory   and   Experimental   Humanities   ​ (PSL)  
(August   21-August   31,   2019),   an   initiative 
of   the   Department   of   History,   Archaeology   and   Social  
Anthropology   and   the   Laboratory   of   Social 
Anthropology of the University of Thessaly in Volos, Greece. 
The   aim   of   this   10-day   program   (​ August   21-August   31,  
2019​ )   is   to   convene   an   interdisciplinary 
group   of   young   researchers   and   cultural   producers   from  
fields   such   as   anthropology,   history, 
sociology,   arts,   political   philosophy,   gender   studies,  
literature,   cultural   studies,   communication 
and   new   media   studies   for   a   period   of   intensive  
exchange   regarding   the   pressing   questions   of   our 
research and our worlds.
This   year’s   theme   -   ​ Data   &   Power   -   takes   on   the  
critical   issue   of   how   the   production,   mining, 
and   manipulation   of   data   through   algorithmic   procedures  
has   emerged   as   an   increasingly 
dominant   mode   of   political   regulation,   capitalist  
exploitation,   identity   formation,   cultural 
expression and knowledge generation.
Who​ :   ​ Our   distinguished   international   faculty   include   ​
Mitsos   Bilalis   ​ (Thessaly),   ​
Karatzogianni   ​ (Leicester),   ​ Penelope   Papailias   (Thessaly),  
​ Petros   Petridis   (Thessaly),   ​ Sandra 
Robinson   (Carleton   University),   ​ Robert   Seyfert   ​
(Duisburg-Essen)   and   teaching   fellow   ​ George 
Mantzios​ (Toronto).
What​ :   ​ Three   jointly-taught,   faculty-led   seminars;   an  
experimental   methodological   workshop   to 
create   a   serious   game   to   be   played   in   a   public  
event   on   the   last   day   of   the   lab;   plus   screenings, 
local performances, hikes and other special events.
Where​ : ​ The conference center of the village of ​ Makrinitsa​ , in
Pelion, Greece
Eligibility​ :   MA   students,   doctoral   candidates,   recent  
PhDs,   early   career   scholars   and,   in   special 
cases, advanced undergraduate students in relevant fields
Application​ : A
​ pplications are submitted online​ ​ here​ . The deadline is ​ Saturday
May 25, 2019​ .
Fees​ : ​ No tuition. There is a ​ 100E ​ administrative fee, payable to
UTH Research Committee.
Living   expenses​ :   ​ Participants   are   responsible   for  
expenses   related   to   travel,   food   and   lodging. 
The   PSL   hosts   a   welcome   dinner   and   farewell  
dinner/party.   Discounted   rates   are   available   to   PSL 
participants at the ​ Melanthi Mansion​ (10 nights + breakfast, 250E,
payable directly to the hotel).
Information:   For   more   details,   please   visit   the   ​ PSL  
website   or   contact   the   organizing   committee 
at ​ pelionsummerlab@???​ . 
The organizing committee,
Penelope   Papailias,   Petros   Petridis,   Christina   Mitsopoulou,  
Pantelis   Probonas,   George   Mantzios, 
Constantinos Diamantis

Gabriella Coleman
Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy
Department of Art History & Communication Studies
McGill University
853 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, PQ
H3A 0G5

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